How to retain contacts history when they move to another organisation

Gareth Deck
Gareth Deck Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

We had a problem when a contact shifted from one organisation to another whom we also deal with, and we needed to retain the email history and notes associated with that person.  If you delete the contact person when the leave you lose the history and if you change their email (if they shift to another organisation) you also lose the email history, so we use the custom fields to identify them as current or not current contact.

it's still not ideal as they still show in the organisation view as a contact - so if anyone has any ideas how to manage this situation I'd be glad to hear.

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,035 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited December 2020 #2

    Hi @Gareth Deck 

    I think for now this is the best solution. To make sure you have two contacts, the new and old one and either identify it with a custom fields or change the name of one to (archived) John Doe for example.

    Not ideal, I agree... I'm going to make sure our team sees your comments so we can hopefully improve this in the future.

  • Carol Stubbs
    Carol Stubbs Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #3


    This is coming up as an issue in my organisation too. We work in the disability sector and it can be quite transient. We don't want  duplicate contacts but we do want to keep the email history.

    What is the best solution? I would appreciate to hear how best to handle.

    Many thanks,


  • Vera Rosado
    Vera Rosado Pipedrive Team Posts: 26 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited June 2021 #4


    This is coming up as an issue in my organisation too. We work in the disability sector and it can be quite transient. We don't want  duplicate contacts but we do want to keep the email history.

    What is the best solution? I would appreciate to hear how best to handle.

    Many thanks,


    Hey @Carol Stubbs and I believe @Gareth Deck can also be interested in this :) 
    I believe there is a quite simple way to keep all information! I recorded a quick video showing how it works.


    Long story short - you can keep the previous email as a "secondary" email and add the new one as the main one and this will keep new (and previous) emails linked! 


    Hope this can help you. 

  • Shaun Hockey
    Shaun Hockey Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I think that we should be able to flag a contact as a leaver so we can keep the contact history

  • Matěj Kříž
    Matěj Kříž Member Posts: 105 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I could be done (and it is already done in an other CRMs)..But not in Pipedrive yet. There is an need of support of one person in multiple organizations - which is not supported by Pipedrive😌 Then with adding of one more simple field for a note, you could add some additional information about this person-organization relationship, as for example "former employee" of Company A, CTO of Company_B etc.

    See my post here:

  • gregchicago
    gregchicago Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Vera Rosado is this still the recommended method for taking care of contacts that have moved orgs? The video link is broken.