Goals - Track changing goals throughout the year

mlang17 Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment Photogenic

With the old Reports feature, we were able to set rising goals towards the end of the year. Ex: 50 for Jan - Sep, then 70 for Oct - Dec.

With the new Insights feature, that possibility seems gone. There's only one spot where you can define a recurring goal now.


It now seems I have to create a custom report for every section of the year with a fixed amount of goals. How can I set up a report like in the old Reports feature with the goals changing over time, say throughout the entire year?


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  • mlang17
    mlang17 Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment Photogenic
    edited May 2022 #2

    @Inês Batata Thank you for your update post. As I saw multiple posts on this topic, can you tell us about the timeline when goals will be fully configurable again?

    I'm disappointed that Pipedrive is removing the old feature (warning reads "will be replaced by Insights this month") before the new feature works as well as the old one. To me, transition should be something different from "force everyone to use a module missing central features".

    Can you not just allow people to keep using the old (great!) reporting module?

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,043 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2022 #4

    Hi @Mark Langer thanks for sharing your feedback! Our goal is always to make improvement and make sure all features are covered before switching. I also just replied to @Bernd Auer his post by saying that I'm going to make sure our team sees this and takes in the feedback.

  • Nicole Miller
    Nicole Miller Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2022 #5

    Hi @Mark Langer thanks for sharing your feedback! Our goal is always to make improvement and make sure all features are covered before switching. I also just replied to @Bernd Auer his post by saying that I'm going to make sure our team sees this and takes in the feedback.

    I'd like to keep momentum on this complaint. 

    I've never seen a scenario where goals would be flat over time. The new setup makes this feature useless for most organizations.

    Can you confirm if this has been logged as a "bug" and is on the schedule for fix?

  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 109 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited May 2021 #6

    Hi @Mark Langer thanks for sharing your feedback! Our goal is always to make improvement and make sure all features are covered before switching. I also just replied to @Bernd Auer his post by saying that I'm going to make sure our team sees this and takes in the feedback.

    Hello Nicole,

    I did some research internally, and our team is hoping to implement this soon, but at the moment, it is not something that is being considered a bug.

  • Ant Miller
    Ant Miller Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2022 #7

    Re-upping this feature request. I need to set goals to track the targeted growth of sales in a new market - flat goals are not suitable, quarterly doesn't track to the required level of detail, and setting month by month is very fiddly to set up and prone to error, and also hard to manage. Please give an update on the feature.