setting up FY2021 reports in the awesome Insights area.

I have a report to show expected deal wins, measure by deal value, view by quarter and I have some segment by options but most are not helpful. What I would like to segment by a field I have already established in the Deal Details section but cannot do so. Any thoughts ?
Hi Mathew,
I'm Hanna-Leena and work for a Pipedrive App Partner company Dear Lucy. We work with sales teams and help them set up goal setting, reporting, and sales forecasting models on interactive dashboards that are easy to use, share, and modify.
You can find us on the Pipedrive Marketplace.
You can also check out our live demo which features some example views. You can create your own views and include custom-fields from Pipedrive deals, too!
Let me know if you'd like to talk with our team to learn more. We're happy to help out.