Be careful on your Mailigen survey's....this happened to me and I wanted to share. Dzintra of suppor

John Shelburne
John Shelburne Member Posts: 41 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Here is the Loom video describing the problem with my survey -


  • John Shelburne
    John Shelburne Member Posts: 41 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited June 2022 #2

    Here is the reason why it happened -
    One difference that is crucial to understand in the survey section is the difference of what I call a universal link and a personalised link.
    I created copies for both of your campaigns to show that in the first one you used personalised link and in the other one a universal link.
    In the case of a personalised link each recipient receives a unique link, so it can be used only by one person, while universal link can be shared. 

    But the issue here was that if you click on the preview link and complete the survey once, you will just see the "thank you" page afterwards as the information about you completing it is saved in the cookies. You will notice that if you clear the cookies, you will be able to open the survey again. And as you had 2 different types of links, the cookies were saved just for one of the campaigns.

    This being said I have to address the situation that you got into with creating another campaign after sending the first one. I know this must have been and still is frustrating, but in this case a refund can't be confirmed. However I have already shared this with our product team to make this less confusing in the future.

    Any time you feel that something in the process is unclear, let us know and we will be there to assist! 💪 

    Best Regards,

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