Outlook Plug-In

Lukas Spieldiener
Lukas Spieldiener Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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I don't understand this and I know it has been discussed before a few times but most/all comparable CRMs as Freshworks,  Zoho, Sugar CRM, Hubspot, etc. have a plug-ins to Outlook and so many companies work with Outlook (and need to work with Outlook sometimes). 

We worked with Freshsales/Freshworks for quite a while and this was a great enhancement to the workflow of getting new requests into the CRM efficiently and thus getting a higher acceptance within sales (using the BCC now in Pipedrive but it doesnt work all the time). Getting data in should be don with the minimal effort possible as we want to focus on selling instead of data entry. 

I would love to bring this up again as an input or have a reason why this isn't possible. Thanks!

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  • Scott Barrack RL
    Scott Barrack RL Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2022 #2

    I fully agree, this is causing our company the most issues. We live inside our outlook, we do not want to have to follow up on emails inside pipedrive. We may switch out if this doesn't come soon. 


  • martinlissmats
    martinlissmats Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2024 #3

    Posted this in another thread but thought I would add it here too:

    Hey 🙂 me and my friend are building this. If you're interested in trying it out you shoot me a quick email to martin@baymats.com with subject "pipedrive outlook" and just say you're interested. I'll get back to you when there's something to try. We're curious to hear more.

    Thinking about making it similar to the gmail addon. What do you guys think about that? It looks and works like this: https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/pipedrive-gmail-add-on


  • clementc
    clementc Member Posts: 29 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi! Your pain is nearly over! Have a look at pipelook.app, the Outlook add-in brings Pipedrive CRM right to your mailbox! The initial release has just been sent for approval to the app marketplace, in the meanwhile you can sign up to our waiting list on the website so you'll be notified when it's out.

  • SaySync
    SaySync Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hey Pipedrive Community,

    we've finally developed the Outlook add-in for Pipedrive you've been waiting for. The Outlook add-in is ready to use and covers all the features you need to work directly from Outlook.

    When you open an email, the contact who sent the email is automatically loaded based on the email data. Select the contact, and see all deals, activities, and notes related to that contact at a glance. Easily create new deals and update the stage and status of your deals. Create new activities and notes to keep all team members up to date.

    No more annoying switching between Outlook and Pipedrive windows. Test SaySync free for 7 days at www.saysync.co or download SaySync directly from the Pipedrive Marketplace.