App for automatically documenting Linkedin acivities in Pipedrive

Jochen Haller
Jochen Haller Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited May 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1


Does anyone know an apps which does "really" connect Linkedin and Pipedrive?

I found various apps which could import contacts. But I would like an app which also automatically documents my acitivies on Linkedin in Pipedrive (e.g. when I messaged someone who is both contacts).

Does anyone know such an app?

Thanks in advance!

Best, Jochen


  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 100 Comments 25 Likes
    edited March 2021 #2

    LinkedIn considers itself as kind of CRM. Therefore, they do not allow to export specific thinks like the messages or other direct interactions. But there are tools which get you as much as possible out of LinkedIn (and other plattforms).  What are you using for the contact details? Do you have any kind of automation?

    And I am following just in case somebody found a way :-)


  • Jochen Haller
    Jochen Haller Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #3

    Not yet. I manage them manually. 

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