In product list view, can we see deals where a product is attached?

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 108 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
edited July 2022 in Business Talk #1


For each product in the product list view, can we see the list of deals where this product is attached?

If it's not possible, then I believe that writing a makeshift app will be the only viable option right now because the API provides such a feature.




  • Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821
    Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821 Member Posts: 121 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited April 2021 #2

    Hi Ted you can see deals by clicking in the name of the products and then go in deals inside of that.

    You can also see is on reports.

  • Frits Strating_6654
    Frits Strating_6654 Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #3

    Hello, We want this already for 5 years. We like to see in the list view which products are attached to deals. Also in the list view off tasks. If this is impossible please make a hoover function on the number off attached products in the deal. Also asked for that already for years. 

    If this is so difficult, why not making an API to make an export of deals with connecting products. So we can make a list for our sales meeting. |Which deals we have on product 1, product 2, etc


  • Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821
    Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821 Member Posts: 121 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited April 2021 #4

    Hello, We want this already for 5 years. We like to see in the list view which products are attached to deals. Also in the list view off tasks. If this is impossible please make a hoover function on the number off attached products in the deal. Also asked for that already for years. 

    If this is so difficult, why not making an API to make an export of deals with connecting products. So we can make a list for our sales meeting. |Which deals we have on product 1, product 2, etc


    Hi Frits i really understand what you man. For customers in Italy we have done this customization and we export all data with an excel and all products attached.

    Let me know if you need help.

  • Frits Strating_6654
    Frits Strating_6654 Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #5

    Do hou sell this feature?

  • Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821
    Fabrizio Nicolosi_33821 Member Posts: 121 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited April 2021 #6

    Do hou sell this feature?

    Yes of course. If you want we can discuss about your customization.

  • Frits Strating_6654
    Frits Strating_6654 Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2021 #7

    Oke, please let me know how the feature works and the costs. Maybe send me some screenshots


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