Can emails be linked to a deal based on the deal participants?

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 108 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes

My client runs a business where each customer usually consists of two parts: sales person and technical staff. Let's say my client has a deal with a company 'Acme' which has two contacts:

  1. sales person Alice:, who is linked to the Acme deal.
  2. technical staff Bob:, who is added as a participant to the Acme deal. (It's because each deal in Pipedrive can have only one contact linked to it.)

Suppose that my client sent a lot of emails to both Alice and Bob for the Acme Deal.

  1. All the emails sent to Alice are automatically linked to the Acme deal.
  2. But all the emails sent to Bob are not automatically linked to the Acme deal.

Then my client has to go over each email sent to Bob for manually linking it to the Acme deal. It's because Pipedrive can have only one contact linked to a deal, and an email is automatically linked to a deal based on the email's recipient.

Is there any way to make sure all the emails sent to Bob are also automatically linked to the Acme deal? I think it'll greatly save the time of my client.

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  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited February 2022 #2

    Hello @Ted Youn!

    Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately at the moment our email linking logic does not support this, it can only link to deal based on direct contact. I will share your use case with our team as feedback so they can take into account for future improvements!

  • Alison Loperena
    Alison Loperena Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2021 #3
    Kreete K said:

    Hello @Ted Youn!

    Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately at the moment our email linking logic does not support this, it can only link to deal based on direct contact. I will share your use case with our team as feedback so they can take into account for future improvements!

    We have that as well!

  • Ted Youn
    Ted Youn Member Posts: 108 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2021 #4

    I also found a similar request  from last year.

  • Bella Perez
    Bella Perez Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2021 #5

    This would be an incredibly useful addition!!!

  • Steven Mecca_47703
    Steven Mecca_47703 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2021 #6
    Kreete K said:

    Hello @Ted Youn!

    Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately at the moment our email linking logic does not support this, it can only link to deal based on direct contact. I will share your use case with our team as feedback so they can take into account for future improvements!

    This would be incredibly useful! Please make this a feature!!

  • Ian Bailey_41321
    Ian Bailey_41321 Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2021 #7

    I wanted the same thing. The ability to be able to link multiple emails to a single customer record So that all correspondence relating to that client is in the one area.

  • Rob Crouch
    Rob Crouch Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited November 2021 #8
    Kreete K said:

    Hello @Ted Youn!

    Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately at the moment our email linking logic does not support this, it can only link to deal based on direct contact. I will share your use case with our team as feedback so they can take into account for future improvements!

    I would love this feature as well. I utilize pipedrive to manage my real estate work.  More often than not I'm selling a home to two individuals (think spouses) and would love if I could set up any automated email templates to send to both a deals "Main Contact" and a "Participant" of my choosing so both buyers (or Sellers) get the same email in their inboxes. This would be such a wonderful upgrade! 

    If anyone has a hack for this I'd love to hear about it. 

  • Tamara Lima
    Tamara Lima Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2022 #9

    VERY much need this capability. I work in Civic Tech B2B and our deals are large government agency contracts (transit agencies) and there are multiple lines of communication with multiple contacts to move a deal through the pipeline. We can't use your other feature like notifications and reminders without this capability. We have even spent the time to add participants to all deals hopefully that this solution will be enabled within the next 6 months. 

  • Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Reviving this thread....I would very much like this as well. In modern B2B sales there rarely, if ever, is only one client interaction point, so it would be good to have "multiple deal participant mail synchronisation"

  • Treg Monty
    Treg Monty Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Squeaky Wheel - YES PLEASE we need this feature!

    It is March 2023 - Pipedrive please add this feature so when participants are added to a deal, their emails are also linked to that deal!!

    Thank you!

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,407 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi everyone, I am adding this conversation as feedback to be evaluated by our developers. Feel free to upvote and share more use cases.

  • Allan Bruun - SimplerQMS
    Allan Bruun - SimplerQMS Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We have exactly the same need as all of the other customers in this thread. I'm very surprised that PD does not support email linking of participants, which I would anticipate to be the default behavior. Please prioritize this improvement.

  • SamSam
    SamSam Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Totally agree! Dear pipedrive team: What is the current status on that matter? In complex B2B sales this feature is truly essential!!!

  • Andy Theimer
    Andy Theimer Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any update on this? I don't care if you "link" them or not but they DEFINITELY need to show up on the Deal timeline of things.

    No one is going to complain because you show the latest communication related to the deal's primary contact.

    Please make this happen PD.

  • Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This request was raised 2 years ago. Since then there has been a steady stream of comments and people confirming they would like this (I still very much do). @Manuel Oliveira , it would be great if this could get some Pipedrive love!

  • Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic
    edited December 2023 #18

    So, it seems there is some kind of hack around this: I noticed that an email trail which started with the primary contact and then moves onto other people still gets synched to the opp (say you send a mail to John and Jane with John the primary contact, if Jane only replies to you, while leaving John out of the conversation, the mail still gets synch'ed to John's opp). It is not a very elegant solution, but at least it goes some way to addressing the challenge.

  • jnjh
    jnjh Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 for this request. This is necessary for B2B sales with multiple decision makers. Getting the sales team to remember to use the BCC with deal-specific email address is not a viable workaround, particularly as they don't have to use the BCC method for most communication.

  • JonOss
    JonOss Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 for this request. Truly essential. Please Pipedrive. What is the status on development?

  • oconn
    oconn Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1. Similar to the above use cases, our B2B sales involve many decision-makers. Syncing all conversations would be helpful…

  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira Is this feature on the roadmap? Surely this is seen by your engineers as standard functionality for a CRM that can be used by a B2B org?

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,407 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Alex Fleming automatic linking based on participants is not on the roadmap for the short term. However, the team is working on an improved way of linking emails to deals that won't require going to the email inbox every time. We'll share more details soon.

  • Alex Fleming
    Alex Fleming Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks for getting back to me @Manuel Oliveira! Very much appreciate it. Can I ask what the logic is for not having automated email tracking for participants? From the perspective of a B2B sales org, the only reason someone is added as a participant is because they are relevant to the deal and if they're relevant there is no reason we wouldn't want their comms tracked. It feels as if there is a B2C focus from Pipedrive and if that's the core customer base that makes sense, but then perhaps there could be an option in settings to select "deal type" and indicate if you are a B2B company. With that, it could alter and track things like emails for participants. I know hard to say but when you say soon, is that weeks / months? I ask because without all our emails being tracked on a deal we may need to find an alternative platform until the features you're referencing are developed.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,407 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    @Alex Fleming thank you for sharing your use case and the logic behind it; I have passed it on to our product team.
    Email tracking for participants is not on the near-future roadmap, so it’s not likely to be released in the following months. Regarding email-related updates, our developers are working on improving how deals link to emails, and we hope to have that out before the end of Q4.

  • JonOss
    JonOss Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira thank you for replying in the thread but please, can you please give more details with regards to the roadmap and "improving how deals link to emails". You position yourselves as a B2B sales CRM and as a user it's unfathomable how you haven't solved this core problem. Its been posted as a req. in the forum soooo many times for the past 7 years since I started using Pipedrive.

    Naturally the solution is often much more complex than us users think PLEASE give more background on why it's difficult and a reasonable timeline for fixing the issue. I believe it could be a dealbreaker (i.e. reason to shop elsewhere) for a lot of your clients, including us, if its not considered a prioritised/solvable problem on your end.