How to set up activities that are supposed to lead to an advancement in a pipeline?

Given the lack of email sequences and cadences or playbooks, I don't quite understand Pipedrive's value.
To structure our sales process I was thinking of automatically setting up activities that may be needed to get a deal to advance to the next pipeline stage.
For example, an SDR completes a call but the callee didn't yet book a demo during the call. So the deal enters the stage "Outreach completed", which triggers the creation of three activities: Reach out in 3 days, 10 days, 3 months. As soon as the deal advances to the next stage, demo scheduled, those tasks are of course obselete.
As far as I understand, I could set up an automation that creates those three activities on entering the stage but they can't be deleted when leaving the stage, which renders it unuseful.
With just tracking deal stages and having to keep track of everything that happens in a certain stage yourself, I have to say that I'm not really convinced that Pipedrive is such a great help.
Am I missing something?
Hi @Stefan - you're not.
As a solution, I can suggest configuring a custom filter to list these activities and delete them in bulk once a day. Not ideal at all, I know.
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Hey @Stefan !
Are you coming from another sales tool where that is possible?
That's actually a pretty common request but I've never seen it in the platforms we've used. There may be just overall "data clutter" from a software side if you were to create unlimited sets of activities for every deal and stage...who knows.
What you're looking to do is possible but you would have to extend out of Pipedrive to make it happen. Rather than creating a set of activities, you would just create one activity at a time as long as that person is in the stage so they would show up only when the 3, 10, etc. day mark is passed.
We use Autopilot to do this for our clients along with automated emails and other drip-style actions.
Workflow Automation in Pipedrive is getting better and delays timers are on the roadmap, too so hopefully we can make this happen all in Pipedrive soon!
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Joshua Hindman said:
Hey @Stefan !
Are you coming from another sales tool where that is possible?
That's actually a pretty common request but I've never seen it in the platforms we've used. There may be just overall "data clutter" from a software side if you were to create unlimited sets of activities for every deal and stage...who knows.
What you're looking to do is possible but you would have to extend out of Pipedrive to make it happen. Rather than creating a set of activities, you would just create one activity at a time as long as that person is in the stage so they would show up only when the 3, 10, etc. day mark is passed.
We use Autopilot to do this for our clients along with automated emails and other drip-style actions.
Workflow Automation in Pipedrive is getting better and delays timers are on the roadmap, too so hopefully we can make this happen all in Pipedrive soon!
Hey @Joshua Hindman,
Thank you for your reply.
No, Pipedrive is the first CRM I am using.
Being based in Europe, we can't use Autopilot for privacy reasons, but Outfunnel may be an ok alternative.
Do I understand correctly that you suggest setting up the activities as follows?
- When deal in stage S, set up follow-up call 1.
- When activity completed with name follow-up call 1 and deal in stage S, set up follow-up call 2.
I didn't yet think of filtering completed activities for their title and then base the following activity on that.
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Joshua Hindman said:
Hey @Stefan !
Are you coming from another sales tool where that is possible?
That's actually a pretty common request but I've never seen it in the platforms we've used. There may be just overall "data clutter" from a software side if you were to create unlimited sets of activities for every deal and stage...who knows.
What you're looking to do is possible but you would have to extend out of Pipedrive to make it happen. Rather than creating a set of activities, you would just create one activity at a time as long as that person is in the stage so they would show up only when the 3, 10, etc. day mark is passed.
We use Autopilot to do this for our clients along with automated emails and other drip-style actions.
Workflow Automation in Pipedrive is getting better and delays timers are on the roadmap, too so hopefully we can make this happen all in Pipedrive soon!
Yeah, @Stefan I definitely think that's worth a shot. The idea is that you're creating one new activity at a time as needed, rather than the entire bunch at once and then having to automatically delete them.