How does Won Time account for timezones?
We have salespeople in both North America and Europe. When they mark a deal as Won, is the Won Time marked based on their timezone?
For example, a European salesperson may mark a deal as Won at 1:00am on Wednesday, but to me it would be technically Won on Tuesday.
How is this accounted for in Pipedrive? Thanks!
Hi @Kate Norris (RE Ops) , it does work just as you described as Pipedrive adjusts for timezones. So for example when an European salesperson wins a deal at 1AM on Wednesday, it will show a Won Time of Tuesday at 5PM for a user based in Los Angeles
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Manuel Oliveira said:
Hi @Kate Norris (RE Ops) , it does work just as you described as Pipedrive adjusts for timezones. So for example when an European salesperson wins a deal at 1AM on Wednesday, it will show a Won Time of Tuesday at 5PM for a user based in Los Angeles
Thank you Manuel!