Question: How to save incoming calls from new customers

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 108 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
edited August 2024 in Sales CRM #1

I have a client who receives about 50 calls a day from new clients. Once he receive such a call, he opened Pipedrive app to do the following:

  1. manually store the phone number as contacts in Pipedrive, and
  2. add an activity to store the phone call history.

You can easily guess how painstakingly tedious it is if you repeat the above steps about 50 times everyday.

Is there any way to automate this manual procedure? I know that an Android app can log incoming calls, but that call has to be made from Pipedrive contacts. Does anyone have experience on handling these requests from clients?


  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2021 #2

    Hi @Ted Youn!
    Indeed our Call logging will only take into account already saved Contacts in Pipedrive and with new phone numbers, it should be done manually to save Contact and log calls. Our Marketplace apps might be helpful in this case however - we have Phone solutions listed here. I also found an app that seems to provide a similar option that you need - Call Tracker App - and they have a free trial. Maybe worth testing out if this is something that could be useful for you!