Not Integrating Email and still being effective?

Sara Weber
Sara Weber Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited May 2022 in Sales CRM #1

I'm new and we do use Google Workspace but we use a very "high security" version of google workspace so I don't want to use PipeDrive as our full email client, e.g. I want to minimize the email being filtered into PipeDrive from Google but also be able to "capture" emails sent to and from potential clients.  I understand I need to Sync in order to use all the features.  I also implemented the tip to only choose 1 subfolder for sync.  Will it still all run smoothly?

This is the main reason we're switching to a CRM (to not have to sift through email inboxes to find communication with clients).  So I need the "capturing" of communications to work well in PipeDrive. 

Does anyone have a similar situation where they want to have minimal email within PipeDrive but still capture "ALL" communication within PipeDrive.


  • Boris Tsibelman
    Boris Tsibelman Member Posts: 832 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Likes Third Anniversary Photogenic First Comment
    edited February 2022 #2

    You can alternatively use the Pipedrive Smart Email BCC

    Check out

  • Sara Weber
    Sara Weber Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2021 #3

    You can alternatively use the Pipedrive Smart Email BCC

    Check out

    Thank you.  I think I'm moving toward using the email sync to a "dummy" folder in Google Workspace and then using the BCC feature to capture emails sent to us directly (those emails not originated in PipeDrive).  I think this will be a reasonable workflow for us and we'll see how it evolves.  I'd like PipeDrive to be its own ecosystem but our regular email is going to be attached to it so it is tricky to setup to the semi-permeable barriers between the 2 systems.  Thanks for your tip.

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