Tips and Tricks from a Pipedrive pro: Preparing for a call with your CSM

Karoliine Piile
Karoliine Piile Posts: 107 VERIFIED MEMBER
100 Comments Second Anniversary Pipedrive Team Photogenic
edited August 2023 in Business Talk #1

Hello to our most special Pipedrivers!

Our wonderful star Customer Success Manager (CSM) @Andri Annuka would like to share some magical Tips and Tricks with you.

Have you ever had a warm, but slightly lingering conversation with your significant account manager? Well, here are some tips for you to keep in mind for the next conversation:

  • Have an agenda or bullet points written down and share them with your CSM beforehand, that way, he/she can prepare in advance for you.
  • Be elaborative just to make sure that your CSM is on the same page as you are.
  • Be clear. Sounds simple enough, however sometimes it needs a little effort.
  • Provide examples when discussing missing features, complex issues. Pragmatic examples gives your CSM clearer vision of your necessities.
  • Provide feedback- good and bad. Constructive criticism is essential for your CSM to evolve his/her dedication to you.
  • Bring your good mood- crucial for a swift and successful conversation with anyone.

So keep these tips in mind and book a meeting with your CSM for a friendly and valuable conversation.

Kind regards from Andri and the Pipedrive family. 

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