Pipedrive service subscription- upgrade level for individuals

Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited March 2023 in Sales CRM #1

The one feature I would like to add is the ability to upgrade the subscription type of individuals rather than all users. Only 4 people in my organisation would use the "products" functionality for example, only team managers need multiple dashboards etc. 


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited February 2022 #2

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

  • Tatiana Bazzi
    Tatiana Bazzi Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2021 #3

    We are exactly in the same situation!

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #4

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi Mike, 

    Just a follow up note regarding my situation. Most of my subscriptions are for Surveyors, Estimators, Engineers and Directors. I am the Sales and Marketing Director for 2 companies, one with 4 divisions and both share a Service and Maintenance team (i.e. I have 6 pipelines). Some of the divisions work together on occasion and I have a series of list views for tendering that does not require duplication of opportunities in multiple pipelines, instead one division can add another to a tender list by tagging them with a custom field. In short I use pipedrive for 3 sales people and the remainder of the company do not use any stage prior to our "Tender WIP" stage. 

    My sales team and I need the additional functionality available in the professional subscription plan, but that equates to only 3-4 of 26 needing the upgrade. 

    The difference in cost of what I would have to pay now to upgrade is an additional €12,476.88, compared to €1,919.52 to upgrade just four subscriptions. As it stands I can not justify this in my budget.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2020 #5

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi @Paul McKenna 

    Thanks for those details. Let me discuss this internally and get back to you with an appropriate answer. Since it's Friday this will most likely be next week. I'll get back to you and enjoy the weekend.

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #6

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    I will Mike, you too. Thank you for the swift response as always!

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #7

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    I should note, that I would be happy to pay a premium for 'Admin only' type subscriptions.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2020 #8

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi @Paul McKenna 

    I am still asking around internally. In the meantime, do you potentially have any examples of other CRM's/SaaS businesses that offer this? I wanted to present some examples internally as well for this request but so far have been unable to find it.

    One cool thing I found out though that will already help your case a lot hopefully is that we the team behind our visibility & permissions features working hard on making it easier to share specific information with those people in your organization who don't have a Pipedrive account but need to be kept up-to-date. Or now do have one account but don't need full access.

    There's no eta for now but it's being worked on right now so it's not a thing we hope to do one day, we're actually working on it. Anyways, hope you can help me find some examples!

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #9

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi @Mike van der Valk

    I have had a brief look to see if I could find a pricing model matching the one I describe above and I can confirm that Pipedrive would be 'breaking the mould' and leading the way in providing this payment option that is clearly lacking in the CRM market!!

    A point of note on your comment RE: sharing with non-subscribed users. I have recently been advised by our IT team to delete my insights dashboard due to the fact that it is publicly accessible since sharing the link. I now have to delete my current dashboard and rebuild a new one without sharing. The IT team advised that there is too much sensitive information that is potentially available to anyone outside the organisation without any means of password securing it. 

    Once you know the format you could force access to potentially a lot of sensitive information for all of your users- much like zoom bombing.


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2020 #10

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi @Paul McKenna 

    I did see indeed your other post about that. Did you see the comment of my colleague that it's not needed to rebuild the dashboard and that we'll be working on future improvements?

    Anyways, regarding your comments. I'll pass it on internally but I can't promise you anything. It seems to be the industry standard for SaaS and CRM at the moment.

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2020 #11

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Thanks Mike,

    I did see that, apologies for the duplication, but feel it is important for the community to understand the risk. Thank you for the effort, my proposal would be for a super user account. A higher than premium/enterprise annual payment. If security was an issue or you were concerned about 1 super user account being shared by multiple users, you could restrict the number of devices and permit 1 super user per organisation. 

    The industry will thank you for this, it's a game changer and to me feels a good fit for pipedrive as an organisation that helps sales teams make progress.


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2020 #12

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Thanks @Paul McKenna for your understanding and your clear thoughts and reasoning. I will do my best to continue the discussion here internally.

  • John Lampe
    John Lampe Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2021 #13

    My company is also in the same situation, i could bring more departments and users on if i could split the account type. It would increase the total spend with Pipedrive as compared to today since we are not able to justify the having the rest of the company on it. 

  • Joel Marks
    Joel Marks Member Posts: 16 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited August 2020 #14

    I know that Microsoft allows for different tiers of licencing; When I ran the IT for a large training provider we had some learners on licences which were A1, some on licences which were A3, others were on A5 based on the needs of the user. That being said we found a really good integration SAAS called slemma.com which allowed us to achieve our needs. Really good Insights tool which allowed us to write custom reports using various


  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2020 #15

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Hi Mike,


    I had a meeting with Hubspot recently, where they advised that they offer a tiered subscription. 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited August 2020 #16

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Thanks @Paul McKenna I tried to find more info but couldn't yet.. can you point me in the direction where I can read about this?

  • Paul McKenna
    Paul McKenna Member Posts: 57 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2020 #17

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    @Mike van der Valk I mailed the sales rep to clarify the response:

    'The CRM and Marketing tools are free to as many users as you need.'

    Ergo, the users on the enterprise/professional packages can use the same pipelines with additional functionality.



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited August 2020 #18

    Hi @Paul McKenna I've heard similar suggestions in the past when we just launched multiple plans. Let me make sure this suggestion is being discussed internally :) I personally can't promise you an outcome but I can promise you I'll make sure your feedback is passed on here at Pipedrive.

    Thanks will check it out and share internally.

  • Thomas Bonefeld Jørgensen
    Thomas Bonefeld Jørgensen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #19


    In our small enterprise we are holding back the decision to onboard pipedrive, as we need "thin user profile" for our investors. In essence, they should logged against the leads/deals they bring, and displayed in the pipeline dashboard. Having them as full users does not provide a viable business case. Please considder differentiating.

  • Colin Howes
    Colin Howes Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #20

    @Mike van der Valk Any update on this thread?  We're currently a very small team. I'm trialling Hubspot who do offer some semblance of tiers... Perhaps you could offer a discount coupon equivalent to the price delta if this is too hard to implement as a change in code?  Thanks!

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited August 2020 #21

    @Mike van der Valk Any update on this thread?  We're currently a very small team. I'm trialling Hubspot who do offer some semblance of tiers... Perhaps you could offer a discount coupon equivalent to the price delta if this is too hard to implement as a change in code?  Thanks!

    Hi @Colin Howes no progress/changes at this point, sorry. We were pointed to the Hubspot option the other day as well. Their approach right now is indeed that you can have multiple users on multiple plans but each pricing plan higher has a minimum number of users you'd need to assign to it so also a minimum cost coming with it.

    I've pointed it out to our team internally and it's always a discussion point but at this point in time there are no plans around it.

  • Minhaz Moosa
    Minhaz Moosa Member Posts: 41 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2021 #22

    @Mike van der Valk 

    Just an FYI, we now have all our team on the Advanced package, however for one or two members, I would like the Professional package - currently it was too expensive to upgrade all users.

    The difference is price is 30EURO between the packages, if we were able to choose per user, I would have upgraded atleast 6 months ago, this means that Pipedrive has lost 360Euro in income just from my company.

    Now replicate that for all the companies in a similar situation - Pipedrive are missing out on serious cash.

    Just something to think about 

  • Ramy Bdeir
    Ramy Bdeir Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #23

    Just to add to this, i also am in the same situation. 25 users in 1 company and 7 users in the other company that i operate. All are on advanced plans and im the only one that needs the professional plan for the purposes of reporting. Pipedrive is a fantastic platform but not so fantastic or the only option out there to justify $960 per month difference.

    Im shopping for an alternative as we speak, and im pretty quiick to make these business decisions, so i hope someone reaches out to me before that decision is made.

    What a shame!


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited December 2020 #24

    Just to add to this, i also am in the same situation. 25 users in 1 company and 7 users in the other company that i operate. All are on advanced plans and im the only one that needs the professional plan for the purposes of reporting. Pipedrive is a fantastic platform but not so fantastic or the only option out there to justify $960 per month difference.

    Im shopping for an alternative as we speak, and im pretty quiick to make these business decisions, so i hope someone reaches out to me before that decision is made.

    What a shame!


    Hi @Ramy Bdeir sorry to hear that. I've passed on your case to our support and sales teams and I hope they reach out to you soon. Have you also spoken to our support chat already to hear what the options might be?

  • Richard_17266
    Richard_17266 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #25

    Hi, @Mike van der Valk  I agree. At the moment we have six users and I need to upgrade a couple of them but I can't justify the cost to upgrade all of them.

    Hope you find a solution for this!

This discussion has been closed.