Organization growth chart

Eric Damhuis
Eric Damhuis Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
Photogenic First Anniversary
edited May 2022 in Sales CRM #1

For the sales funnel to be Full you need enough leads / organisation's....I created a field if the organisation is qualified so it's possible to make a chart on that....How can I monitor my lead / organisation's growth ?



  • André Vidal
    André Vidal Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Pipedrive Team
    edited February 2022 #2

    Hi Eric! 

    Pipedrive has a reporting page which you can use to build your own reports according to what you need. You can read more about it in this article:

    However, this reporting page is especially focused of Deals and Activities. There may be ways we could help you with your request, but I feel that we would need more specific details about what would be important for you. 

    I advise you to contact our support directly, since they will be able to help you further. Please share as much context as possible with them, with a few practical examples, as it will be important for them to tailor their response. You can see here how to contact the support team:

  • Eric Damhuis
    Eric Damhuis Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited October 2021 #3

    Hi Eric! 

    Pipedrive has a reporting page which you can use to build your own reports according to what you need. You can read more about it in this article:

    However, this reporting page is especially focused of Deals and Activities. There may be ways we could help you with your request, but I feel that we would need more specific details about what would be important for you. 

    I advise you to contact our support directly, since they will be able to help you further. Please share as much context as possible with them, with a few practical examples, as it will be important for them to tailor their response. You can see here how to contact the support team:

    My remarkt is about this report page. 

    Is there another way to make charts ? 

    Organisation.Created  field is not exported.  Organisation.count .. I don't know if it exist . But I already discussed this with support. 

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