Bloqueio de alteração de etapa

Alberto Marques
Alberto Marques Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Gostaria de dar uma sugestão de bloqueio. Bloquear o usuário a trocar de etapas, no funil

A outra pessoa que trabalha comigo sempre muda a etapa, muitas vezes sem querer e isso me atrapalha muito

Queria poder eu como ADM, bloquear ela de alterar a etapa

isso traria mais confiança para mim

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  • Marcelo Silva
    Marcelo Silva Member Posts: 238 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
    edited February 2022 #2

    You can create an automation so that for the business to reach X stage, you need to approve.

    One idea would be, creating a step field allowed.
    And if this field were updated, and the user was not you, it would return to the previous value.
    And that a business can only be at the stage that says in that field, if the user is not you.

    But the real idea is that you and your team align the culture and invest in training so that everyone can use Pipedrive as a great orchester.

  • Alberto Marques
    Alberto Marques Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited September 2021 #3

    You can create an automation so that for the business to reach X stage, you need to approve.

    One idea would be, creating a step field allowed.
    And if this field were updated, and the user was not you, it would return to the previous value.
    And that a business can only be at the stage that says in that field, if the user is not you.

    But the real idea is that you and your team align the culture and invest in training so that everyone can use Pipedrive as a great orchester.

    Referente ao meu modo de trabalho interno, sim já existe, se chegou a um patamar onde eu estou pedindo que façam uma funcionalidade nova é porque mesmo tendo nossa cultura, as pessoas erram e isso é normal. Eu quero que o sistema me ajude a EVITAR ERROS. Se não puderem fazer, tudo bem. 

  • Marcelo Silva
    Marcelo Silva Member Posts: 238 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
    edited September 2021 #4

    You can create an automation so that for the business to reach X stage, you need to approve.

    One idea would be, creating a step field allowed.
    And if this field were updated, and the user was not you, it would return to the previous value.
    And that a business can only be at the stage that says in that field, if the user is not you.

    But the real idea is that you and your team align the culture and invest in training so that everyone can use Pipedrive as a great orchester.

    Você pode automatizar para que se negocio foi atualizado, e a etapa mudou, e o proprietário nao era você, ele retorna para a fase anterior.