Problems with PD in the first 2 weeks trial? Please, share with me your experience.

Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Good morning to All, 

I would like to share with the community my experience and find out if this is an "individual" case or if it is normal in the day to day use of the Pipedrive System. As soon as thousands of new leads will be handle with PD, and the money opoortunities too, I want to find out if I am in the right place. 

I suscribed to PD around 14 days ago. I am still on the Trial Period with the Advanced program. Since then, everyday, and I mean, everyday, I have had problems. Sync problems with google accounts, problems with the automatitations, bugs,  conditions, filters that work one day and the following not, cleaning up cookies... etc, etc... 

I have to say that PD staff have tried to help me all the time. Sometimes more efficently and sometimes less, but at least they have been there. 

Obviously, I am hightly worried about how it will perform when, instead of one person, 5 persons of my team might be using the software. Would that mean 5 daily problems? 

Please, I would like to receive your comments about your experience with PD. I know this channel is controlled by PD, so let´s see what I can find out, if possible. 

Thanks in advanced for your feedback. 





  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited April 2020 #2

    Hi @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - 

    Thank you for sharing your concerns. I've added the "general", "getting started" and "seeking advice" tags to your post so more people in here can see it. Although this is an official community by us we by no means want to control what's being said here. Feedback is important, even if it's painful sometimes.

    I truly hope the Pipedrive users who've been with us in here will write to you and let you know how they feel about our platform. One thing they can tell you (besides hopefully a lot of other good stuff) is that in the recent 2 weeks we've had some incidents that our customers aren't used to from us.

    Unfortunately your trial timing fell in this period, and I'm very sorry for that. I've added some extra time to your trial account so you can use the platform with the performance our users are used to. Internally we are making some changes to improve our service.

    My sincere apologies and truly hope you'll use the extra trial time and that as many of our Pipedrive users here will give you their honest opinion :) 

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #3

    HI @Mike van der Valk

    Many thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate your comments. 

    Let´s see what other PIpedrive users say. 

    Have a nice day! 



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited April 2020 #4

    HI @Mike van der Valk

    Many thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate your comments. 

    Let´s see what other PIpedrive users say. 

    Have a nice day! 



    I'm also curious to read their responses :) 

  • Bert Calatz
    Bert Calatz Member Posts: 58 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #5

    Hi @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - 

    We do not experience any real problems. The only thing that stutters every now and then is emailing from pipedrive. It looks like you can type faster than pipedrive can show the letters on the screen. In my case, that should be very unlikely. I can't type that fast myself. For the rest, very satisfied users

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #6

    Hi @Bert Calatz

    Many thanks for your feedback! I appreciate your time. Good to know that you don´t have any real problems! 

    In my case, I do tipe very fast, but not used a lot the email module. But I will remember you if I face this problem! ;-) 

    All the rest working fine? Nothing relate it to automatitations or filters? 


  • Bert Calatz
    Bert Calatz Member Posts: 58 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2020 #7

    Hi @Bert Calatz

    Many thanks for your feedback! I appreciate your time. Good to know that you don´t have any real problems! 

    In my case, I do tipe very fast, but not used a lot the email module. But I will remember you if I face this problem! ;-) 

    All the rest working fine? Nothing relate it to automatitations or filters? 


    Hi @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - 

    Your question, I understood, was more about the problems you experienced with the application in general. We do not have that experience. 

    Of course we do have wishes regarding extension or additions to the application. 

    Ultimately, your process to be automated determines whether pipedrive is the right choice.

  • Jennifer Smith
    Jennifer Smith Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #8


    I'm about 5 days into my Trial period and have had none of the issues you are experiencing. Thus far I'm loving it. Very intuitive and easy to use. I currently use Zoho CRM and not enjoying the experience, therefore I've been on a quest for another platform to meet my needs.


  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #9

    Thanks @Jennifer Smith  for your comments too. I appreciate it! 

    It seems I am the only one with huge problems.... My today problem is that one of the workflows using it daily doesn´t work again.... 

    I don´t understand what it is going on... 

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #10


    Maybe it will help me sharing my experience, considering how frustrated I am... Finishing my afternoon Pipedrive session. 

    • Three workflows I am using, 2 of them were not working occasionaly. 
    • Pop up windows after completing activities did not appear twice. 

    As a consequence, most of the "automatitation" has had to do by "hand". Specially the ones in the first stages of the deal. 

    I am so unlucky! it seems all the problems are just for me... 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited April 2020 #11


    Maybe it will help me sharing my experience, considering how frustrated I am... Finishing my afternoon Pipedrive session. 

    • Three workflows I am using, 2 of them were not working occasionaly. 
    • Pop up windows after completing activities did not appear twice. 

    As a consequence, most of the "automatitation" has had to do by "hand". Specially the ones in the first stages of the deal. 

    I am so unlucky! it seems all the problems are just for me... 

    @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - I'm sure there can be reasons for what's happening. Perhaps you can explain (or show with a screenshot) how your workflows are set up and in what situation they didn't trigger? Perhaps there's a small change in the setup we can do.

    When it comes to the pop up window fo a new activity. This should only appear when you mark the last activity you have open on an item as done. Perhaps there were still other open activities on the deal/person/org when you marked one as done.

    Give us some details and we can help you out, or of course reach out to support via the in-app chat or

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #12

    Bad morning to All!! 

    Last week I did not work with PD, so I did not experience any troubles. ;-) 

    Today I started using my filters and mass editions and ..... First new problem. Mass editions doesn´t work now... 

    Considering the time I have spent learning PD, I want it to work, but... every morning it is a surprise.... 

    I will be patient, and keep you updated of my (probably for sure), daily problems this week.... 




  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2020 #13

    Bad morning to All!! 

    Last week I did not work with PD, so I did not experience any troubles. ;-) 

    Today I started using my filters and mass editions and ..... First new problem. Mass editions doesn´t work now... 

    Considering the time I have spent learning PD, I want it to work, but... every morning it is a surprise.... 

    I will be patient, and keep you updated of my (probably for sure), daily problems this week.... 




    Hi @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - have you been in touch with our support via the in-app chat or via

    It looks like perhaps our support engineers should take a look at your account or perhaps even migrate you to a brand new one?

    Sorry to hear about this :( 

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #14

    @Mike van der Valk Well... I have spent hours talking to Andrea, Rafael, Joao, Yseel, Natalie, Esther, Pedro, Christopher, Nuno, Daniel, Bruna, Imene and maybe someone else... Tens of screenshoots and videos.... Wish I could explain Mr. @Timo Rein my experience.... 

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #15

    Creating a new activity related to one deal failed.... Had to, again, close all my Chrome tabs, clear caché and history

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2020 #16

    Creating a new activity related to one deal failed.... Had to, again, close all my Chrome tabs, clear caché and history

    Hi @Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - thanks for reaching out. 

    I just had a meeting with one of our support managers to go over all your support chats from the past weeks. We must admit we did have some issues with activities that couldn't be created in some accounts and are working on a fix. Most accounts aren't affected anymore, my apologies about that.

    However, all the other conversations, most about filters and workflow automations haven't been bugs or errors. All of the problems you ran into during the set up or automations/filters were either resolved by our support team who sent you a video to explain how to change the set up so that it would work or we confirmed that what you wanted to do wasn't possible currently and passed on the feedback for future improvements.

    I get your frustration with the fact that things take time and filters and workflows can be complex to setup but according to my logs the only "real bug" was with activities. The rest was an error in the way things were set up initially before you reached out to support and we help you fix it so the workflow or the filter did work.

    However, if I'm mistaken and have missed something my apologies and please do let me know if there's something else I can still do to help you out further.

  • Julia Schoonover
    Julia Schoonover Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited April 2022 #17

    We started implementing Pipedrive this year. We had one person (me) focus lots of time learning the ins and outs. I try to be readily available to support everyone. As a company, we also working with a consultant regularly. Different people meet with her one-on-one for specific needs. We also do larger group meetings for things applicable to everyone. I think the consultant has been a huge help. In addition, I am rolling out 'tutorials' to reinforce features of Pipedrive... even though people have already been trained on.

    First Comment
    edited February 2022 #18

    We are using Pipedrive for more than a year already and we are very satisfied. Our pipedrive is extremely automated and is integrated with a lot of different apps like QBO, WooCom, Schedulers, SMS, Whatsapp, Linkedin, email automations and payment systems which makes it super convenient and saves a lot of time almost for every department. Yes we do occasionally have problems but staff is always there to help. Very nice support. Most of the time the problems that we have are caused by our dev department who is  trying to connect dishwasher to a pipedrive :) 

  • Jay Wealcatch
    Jay Wealcatch Member Posts: 52 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Likes
    edited May 2020 #19
    ISA AYDIN said:

    We are using Pipedrive for more than a year already and we are very satisfied. Our pipedrive is extremely automated and is integrated with a lot of different apps like QBO, WooCom, Schedulers, SMS, Whatsapp, Linkedin, email automations and payment systems which makes it super convenient and saves a lot of time almost for every department. Yes we do occasionally have problems but staff is always there to help. Very nice support. Most of the time the problems that we have are caused by our dev department who is  trying to connect dishwasher to a pipedrive :) 

    @ISA AYDIN That list of apps sounds cool: Do you mind specifying which ones you use for SMS and Whatsapp?


  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #20

    Creating a new activity related to one deal failed.... Had to, again, close all my Chrome tabs, clear caché and history

    Bad morning @Mike van der Valk

    Pleasure to speak to you the other day. Such a coincidence today... I was going to suscribe for the service, and guess what?? 

    Our email service inside PD doesn´t work... Checked with technical support. They have openned a ticket to your engineers... Not solution time forecasted, so it might be hours, days or even weeks to have the issue solved.... 

    How do you handle this situations? I can not accept a "Sorry, we are trying our best". Right now, two persons can not communicate with the "world" using email. Of course, I can send emails from other sources, but then the history log is lost.... Do you give refunds due to this situation? 



  • André Vidal
    André Vidal Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Pipedrive Team
    edited June 2020 #21

    Creating a new activity related to one deal failed.... Had to, again, close all my Chrome tabs, clear caché and history

    Hi Oliver!

    I work in the Customer Service department. 

    I am sorry to know that you experienced an issue with the email sync. I checked your previous conversations with our support and I see that the issue is now resolved. I apologise for the inconveniences caused. Gladly it didn't take too much time to fix. 

    i understand your perspective as a customer, since, on your side, you would like to immediately know how long it will take to fix the issue you reported. Unfortunately that is something we can't commit with, since it will depend on the complexity of the issue and also on the workload of our support-engineers. That is why we need them to analyse it first before we set expectations. 

    However, what we can commit with, and please request it if it isn't done, is to let you know when we will be able to follow up with you and inform you about your case, even if the support engineers are still analysing the problem. 

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. It is really important to us.

    Have a great day!

  • Oliver Maquet - Aquarea -
    Oliver Maquet - Aquarea - Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2020 #22

    Creating a new activity related to one deal failed.... Had to, again, close all my Chrome tabs, clear caché and history

    Thanks @André Vidal  for your reply. Yes, the issue is now solved. 

    Quite annoying to have different problems... Let´s cross fingers and start working properly. ;-) 



This discussion has been closed.