Automation + Marketing Status

D7 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary
edited April 2024 in Workflow Automation #1

Is there a way to create automation to send out an email or set of emails when someone subscribes to our marketing?


And can we Create Automation to change the marketing status to Subscribed through a website form?




  • Janis Rozenblats
    Janis Rozenblats Posts: 160 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #2

    @Daniel Chisca thanks for the questions. 
    Let me get back to you regarding the first question a bit later, but the answer to 2nd question is YES. If you are using Leadbooster web forms then you can choose to add Marketing status as a field which will give a checkbox option for contacts to check when they subscribe and this will then subscribe the contact automatically.

  • andynmartin
    andynmartin Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Name Dropper First Anniversary
    edited May 2023 #3

    Can we use Automations though to change the marketing status without adding the additional field? e.g. we have a web form that literally has the title "Subscribe for updates" and it would be quite awkward / redundant for users to have to click the box in addition to just providing their email address. This is how our current email marketing platform works that we'd like to migrate off of

  • Akojev
    Akojev Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    We also would like to have the marketing status field set to "subscribed" automatically, removing the need for users to check the checkbox on our web forms. The checkbox is redundant, since the web forms specifically ask the user for their permission.

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