"Rotting" Deals

We'd love the ability to customize the terminology for deals that are "Rotting". Having the ability to customize that phrase to match company culture would be a neat feature.
I agree @Sam Gates! Did you ever get a reply on this? The word "rotting" is horrible and conjures "bad word pictures" — I think meat, I think maggots, I think smell and stench. It's not appropriate for a B2B app like Pipedrive.
I think the terminology should be something like "ageing" or "fading" — something that doesn't invoke a gag reflex! 🤢
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Hi @MC , thanks for the feedback. I hadn't thought of it from that perspective, and am confident that was not the team's intention when the rotting feature was named. But I will bring it up with the development team to see if they have received other feedback similar to yours.
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Thanks for your reply @Manuel Oliveira and for bringing this up with the dev team. Suggest to them that they do a Google Images search on "rotting" and see what it brings up. (Lots of rotting fruit for me!)