Zip code in address as default formatted address view

Sam Karim
Sam Karim Member Posts: 22 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Hello, I know that zip code in the address does not show up using google autocomplete unless you specifically type the zip code in the end and then google will add the zip code in the formatted address view. If  you do not type the zip code, it wont show it in the formatted view. I do not understand why the default view is not with the zip code. Maybe its a limitation from googles address API....but if it's in pipedrive's ability to make the zip code view as default then it should definitely be with the zip instead of just saying USA as the end. 


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited April 2022 #2

    Hi @Sam Karim ,

    Unfortunately, as I recall this has always been a limitation on the Google Maps API in the past which we can't overwrite. It works for most addresses and countries but it's struggling with addresses in the US. Sorry about that but if you'd like the Zip code for now it's a bit of manual work.
    I'll pass it on to the team though just to be sure!

  • AlexTullo
    AlexTullo Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2021 #3

    Has this issue been corrected yet.  Looking up zip codes while my sales reps are on the road is a real pain.  


    Thank you 


  • Diana
    Diana Pipedrive Team Posts: 30 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    10 Comments Pipedrive Team
    edited September 2020 #4

    Hi Alex!

    I believe this one is still expected behavior as is, and even though your feedback has been shared, as far as I understand this has to do with a limitation on Google's API that we are unable to workaround.

  • Stephan Siller
    Stephan Siller Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #5

    The Google suggestions are really a problem , but not only in the US. We have the same problem as Sam has brought up in Europe (Austria) and it is even getting worse if you have to export the addresses for a post mailing - as we just had to do for Xmas.

    I included the address field and also all the separate fields for Street, PLZ (zip code), Land into my report. Unfortunately the zip code was empty in most of the fields. The address field based on Google suggestions delivered a lot of information that had not been separated correctly = zip code and house number sticking together etc.

    We had to go through a list of over 300 entries manually to correct the data and next time we will have to do the same again...

    If it is a probelm of the API please give us an option for turning of the Google suggestions. That would force colleagues to enter the data completely and dissuade them from relying on Google.



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,041 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited December 2020 #6

    The Google suggestions are really a problem , but not only in the US. We have the same problem as Sam has brought up in Europe (Austria) and it is even getting worse if you have to export the addresses for a post mailing - as we just had to do for Xmas.

    I included the address field and also all the separate fields for Street, PLZ (zip code), Land into my report. Unfortunately the zip code was empty in most of the fields. The address field based on Google suggestions delivered a lot of information that had not been separated correctly = zip code and house number sticking together etc.

    We had to go through a list of over 300 entries manually to correct the data and next time we will have to do the same again...

    If it is a probelm of the API please give us an option for turning of the Google suggestions. That would force colleagues to enter the data completely and dissuade them from relying on Google.



    Hi @Stephan Siller 

    I'm very sorry to hear that. I've just passed this on to our Product manager responsible for this area of Pipedrive. Hopefully we can improve this behaviour moving forward. 

  • josh arguello
    josh arguello Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2022 #7

    anyone figure out how to get around this rate limiting issue ?

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