Measuring the productivity

Jakub Iwaszek
Jakub Iwaszek Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited June 2023 in Sales CRM #1

Hi PipeDrive team. Upon my recent work and attempt to create a report showing actual productivity of the team (emails and calls done to customers) I found there is no way of getting accurate data like 'how many emails each employee sends to customers'. 

Right now there are two options to get data about emails but are (let's say) inaccurate. 

  1. Insights panel - takes into account whole traffic on email (including private and internal correspondence and it's not possible to exclude it from the numbers)
  2. Activity panel - Is related to calendar activities not actual emails.

It would be nice to have such option to easily and conveniently measure how many emails connected with deals are being sent to customers.



  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,602 VERIFIED MEMBER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited November 2021 #2

    The Insights team mentioned that they are going to add a filter for Pipeline in the Emails Sent/Received report. I am waiting for that too.

    In the meantime, you can build one using Google Data Studio or Tableau with the help of Coupler or Flatly.

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