Translation Mistake: Present Tense and Past Tense in Workflow Automation Condition
Ted Youn
Member Posts: 119 VERIFIED MEMBER
I'm reporting a Korean translation issue in Workflow Automation.
This is what I see when I tried to make an workflow automation that a deal is updated from one stage to another. You can see that the Deal stage
field can have these conditions:
- is
- is not
- is empty
- is not empty
- was
- was not
- was empty
- was not empty
The first four are in the present tense, while the others in the past tense.
In Korean version, however, these conditions are poorly translated.
- 같음
- 다름
- 비어 있음
- 비어 있지 않음
- 같음
- 다름
- 비어 있음
- 비어 있지 않음
The last four are still in the present tense, although their English counterparts are in the past tense.
Hope this helps.
I posted a follow-up article about this issue.