Translation Mistake: Present Tense and Past Tense in Workflow Automation Condition

Ted Youn
Ted Youn Member Posts: 119 VERIFIED MEMBER
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I'm reporting a Korean translation issue in Workflow Automation.

This is what I see when I tried to make an workflow automation that a deal is updated from one stage to another. You can see that the Deal stage field can have these conditions:

  1. is
  2. is not
  3. is empty
  4. is not empty
  5. was
  6. was not
  7. was empty
  8. was not empty

The first four are in the present tense, while the others in the past tense.


In Korean version, however, these conditions are poorly translated.

  1. 같음
  2. 다름
  3. 비어 있음
  4. 비어 있지 않음
  5. 같음
  6. 다름
  7. 비어 있음
  8. 비어 있지 않음

The last four are still in the present tense, although their English counterparts are in the past tense.


Hope this helps.

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