Share your 2021 sales and marketing experiences and 2022 expectations until December 20th 🚀

Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
edited May 2022 in Sales CRM #1

We want to hear from you: share your experiences in the sales and marketing industry in 2021 and your expectations for 2022 by taking our 10-minute State Of Sales and Marketing Survey! Answers are anonymous, confidential and not tracked. We’ll create in-depth reports in various languages and share them with you.

Deadline: December 20th 


Choose your preferred language and answer the survey using one of these links: 

Survey in English 

Pesquisa em Português 

Encuesta en Español 

Umfrage auf Deutsch 

Sondage en Français 


Thank you for participating, we’re eager to hear from you! 📣

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