Issue with PD email compliance specialist!

Markus Funk
Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
edited June 2022 in Sales CRM #1

@Inês Batata 

Currently PD starts the selling process for Campaigns. Therefore, the email compliance specialist team is contacting interested PD users to fill out a form and answer questions. The problem I have is:  how to proof to them that I have legitimate email addresses to send campaigns too. We are in business since 2017 and I only address customers / or users which have a business connection via one of our SaaS products. All of them listed well before there was campaigns. The problem is: 


  1. Campaigns sends the mails via an email address that is not my regular one. RESULT: Some of the mails will bounce even though the customers now us for quite some years. This will trigger the bounce rate or abuse rate (strong wording used by YOUR email compliance staff)
  2. Campaings does not offer a double opt-in solution yet so that we can ask our customers to sign up again

So there is no way I can solve this ... and there is little understanding on the other end with the compliance team at PD / Mailigen. 

What is you solution for this? 



  • Juris_34417
    Juris_34417 Pipedrive Team Posts: 15 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    10 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #2

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

  • Jeff Farrick
    Jeff Farrick Member Posts: 44 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #3

    Hello Markus,

    Disclaimer, I am not a PD representative, but have a lot of hands-on experience with a lot of email clients.

    My word, or your own, is not sufficient to back up claims these individuals have opted into the content you are sending now. Your bounce rate, spam rate, unsubscribe rate, response rate, all contribute to your sender score.

    Regardless of your data, if those numbers are out of whack, any email campaign company that uses its own servers to send emails on your behalf will reach out, attempt to fix the issue, and eventually ban you if you're not able to meet their minimum requirements.

    At the end of the day, campaigns are for marketing, and I would not encourage you to use it for transactional emails with actual customers. For transactional emails that can be automated, you're better off using Workflow automation to trigger the transactional email.

    I have a question. How many people are you attempting to communicate with in campaigns, and what is the action item you're asking them to do?




  • Markus Funk
    Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2022 #4

    Hello Markus,

    Disclaimer, I am not a PD representative, but have a lot of hands-on experience with a lot of email clients.

    My word, or your own, is not sufficient to back up claims these individuals have opted into the content you are sending now. Your bounce rate, spam rate, unsubscribe rate, response rate, all contribute to your sender score.

    Regardless of your data, if those numbers are out of whack, any email campaign company that uses its own servers to send emails on your behalf will reach out, attempt to fix the issue, and eventually ban you if you're not able to meet their minimum requirements.

    At the end of the day, campaigns are for marketing, and I would not encourage you to use it for transactional emails with actual customers. For transactional emails that can be automated, you're better off using Workflow automation to trigger the transactional email.

    I have a question. How many people are you attempting to communicate with in campaigns, and what is the action item you're asking them to do?




    Hi Jeff, 

    thanks for your answer. In this special case it is like this: We had about 500 Users which wanted to inform about an URL change and new functionalities and guide them to a landing page with detailed informations. These are all registered users and I do -of course- have their email adresses. Since campaigns is sending out with a different email than my own and known one, it caused a few bounces. The lack of campaigns so far is, that it does not provide a GDR compliant registration process yet. 




  • Markus Funk
    Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2022 #5
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hi Juris, 

    thanks for the insights. Until there is no compliant double opt in process in campaigns availlable we won'tt use it any further, The regular form sign up form in PD ist not compliant for DACH region. 



  • Jeff Farrick
    Jeff Farrick Member Posts: 44 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #6

    Hello Markus,

    Disclaimer, I am not a PD representative, but have a lot of hands-on experience with a lot of email clients.

    My word, or your own, is not sufficient to back up claims these individuals have opted into the content you are sending now. Your bounce rate, spam rate, unsubscribe rate, response rate, all contribute to your sender score.

    Regardless of your data, if those numbers are out of whack, any email campaign company that uses its own servers to send emails on your behalf will reach out, attempt to fix the issue, and eventually ban you if you're not able to meet their minimum requirements.

    At the end of the day, campaigns are for marketing, and I would not encourage you to use it for transactional emails with actual customers. For transactional emails that can be automated, you're better off using Workflow automation to trigger the transactional email.

    I have a question. How many people are you attempting to communicate with in campaigns, and what is the action item you're asking them to do?




    I see, thanks for explaining. I guess I'm glad we don't need to be GDR compliant in the states!

  • Aleksandrs Vilums
    Aleksandrs Vilums Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic First Anniversary Pipedrive Team
    edited March 2022 #7
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hi Markus,

    Are you looking for a Double opt-in solution both in Web Signup forms and as a feature where you could select a contact email address and send to it an email confirmation request? 

    Is expected to deliver Double opt-in solution in the 2nd quarter of 2022. We are already working on it. 


  • Marcus Belke
    Marcus Belke Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #8
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Would be happy to be a beta for the double opt in. For everybody in Europe or doing business in Europe its needed to use campaigns. 

  • Markus Funk
    Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2022 #9
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    HI Aleksandrs,

    exactly. For the DACH region it is mandatory to have double opt-in available. If you need a beta tester, count me in. Right now, all campaign user from that region can not even re-invite their existing contacts to sign up properly again....




  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #10
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    There is a technical issue involved, though. In its current beta flavor, PD campaigns is apparently using a third party e-mail service to deliver campaigns. Technically, your e-mail is therefore not sent via your regular e-mail provider synching with your PD account, but via 

    Your campaign e-mail is technically coming from "". Now, unless you have made certain provisions at your mail server's configuration (DKIM, Sender ID, ...) making sure that is visible as a legitimate sender, campaigns will be invariably trashed to junk/spam folders. Although PD must be aware of this problem, they have, at least to my knowledge, not yet published any configuration requirements to ensure smooth delivery. 

  • Marcus Belke
    Marcus Belke Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #11
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

     Yes, this is a big problem and  needs to be solved as well. As great it would be to run campaigns out of the same tool, used for CRM, it needs the Double Opt In and E-mail authentication before it can take over. 

  • Juris_34417
    Juris_34417 Pipedrive Team Posts: 15 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    10 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #12
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hello @Reinhard Puntigam!
    Thank you for your comment.

    I wanted to let you know that Pipedrive is not using third-party e-mail services to deliver campaigns. This is an infrastructure built for the Campaigns app by Pipedrive to deliver your email campaigns. 

    And you are right, that without domain authentication there is a chance that in some services like Microsoft, emails will land into the spam box, but the domain authentication feature very soon will be available. 

  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #13
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Thank you Juris, 
    good to hear. Being able to comply with legal requirements (Double Opt-In) and doing everything technically possible to ensure e-mail delivery (DNS entries) is absolutely key. I can't deploy Campaigns without either of them. 

  • Juris_34417
    Juris_34417 Pipedrive Team Posts: 15 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    10 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #14
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Thank you for your input, this will help us to back up, the urgency of these features. 

  • Markus Funk
    Markus Funk Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2022 #15
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 


    Like @Reinhard Puntigam and @Marcus Belke already stated: Doubel opt-in and domain authentication / email authentication is a must for every user in the DACH region. The sooner you have it ready - the better ;-) 



  • Aleksandrs Vilums
    Aleksandrs Vilums Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic First Anniversary Pipedrive Team
    edited March 2022 #16
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hi @Reinhard Puntigam , @Marcus Belke, @Markus Funk 
    Domain authentication is already available. More: 
    Let me know for any questions! 

  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #17
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hi Aleksandrs, 

    you certain did God's work here ;-). I'll set this up right away. 

    Thank you!

  • Reinhard Puntigam
    Reinhard Puntigam Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #18
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    Hi @Aleksandrs Vilums I am afraid the pop-up still needs some work. 

  • Marcus Belke
    Marcus Belke Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes
    edited March 2022 #19
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    @Aleksandrs Vilums, yes we implemented and tested it yesterday the minute we got the message. Looks like it works great. Thanks!

  • Janis Rozenblats
    Janis Rozenblats Posts: 160 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #20
    Juris said:

    Hello @Markus Funk
    I see that you have managed to solve questions with our compliance specialist in chat.

    But I would also like to give my comment here. 
    First of all, I understand your concerns about your email database and we understand that there are many companies who don't have saved information about subscriptions because they are not electronically given or there can be other reasons for it. 

    But I want to also explain why we are asking such questions and I will take as an example high abuse case.
    So, if we notice a high abuse rate % we have to investigate possible reasons. And in case many customers mark the email as spam, that indicates that maybe the recipient has not subscribed to receive it or just forgot about it, or many other explanations, but we have to find out to prevent abusive activity.

    And the worst thing that is happening of such customer actions is that Campaigns app delivery infrastructure is harmed, but harder it harms your private domain reputation on email delivery and deliverability. So asking such questions we are pointing out things that you need to improve to protect yourself from harm. 

    You are right, at the moment we don't have a double opt-in feature, but it is planned and will be delivered. But if you want to attract new subscribers today or tomorrow. Pipedrive also has signup forms, which will do the trick and collect proof of subscription. 

    @Reinhard Puntigam just FYI we've fixed the bug related to domain validation that you posted above!

This discussion has been closed.