[Closed] Join our research: test our Recurring Activities design prototype [deadline: Jan 31, 2022]

EDIT: Thank you all for the overwhelming response. We do not have any more available meeting slots. Rest assured, you will hear from us in the coming months when we're closer to rolling this out to customers.
Dear Pipedrive community members,
@Lena Kudryavtseva and I have been figuring out a solution for recurring activities in Pipedrive and would love to get your feedback this week.
If you'd like to help us, please book a time and date here. It will be a Zoom call taking 30-45min, and we will be sharing the link to a design prototype. If you are interested but none of the dates are suitable, please let me know.
We're looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,

Hi, looks promising with such features - will it be possible to implement corresponding dropdowns for Postpone 1h, 4h, 1 day, 1 week and Templates for the Notes?
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I would love it if, in addition to the scheduled time, there was also the option to include a due date.
e.g. To-Do on 01.02.2022 - due date (latest): 03.02.2022
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This is great, but don't forget about the reminders, guys. If there is an internal weekly sales meeting, I would like to be reminded some time before so I can prepare for the said meeting. Reminders are equally important. Thanks!
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I would like this
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This is really needed. Any news here?
Ideas to add:
1) Please also add an end date for recurring activities. Like
- ends at [exact date]
- ends in X weeks, months, years
2) Please also consider a variation of recurrence. Like
- Daily - every x day (e.g. every 5th day)
- Weekly - every x week (e.g. every 2nd week)
- etc
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Carsten Engelmeier said:
This is really needed. Any news here?
Ideas to add:
1) Please also add an end date for recurring activities. Like
- ends at [exact date]
- ends in X weeks, months, years
2) Please also consider a variation of recurrence. Like
- Daily - every x day (e.g. every 5th day)
- Weekly - every x week (e.g. every 2nd week)
- etc
Hi @Carsten Engelmeier Thank you for your feedback. We do plan to tackle those items that you mentioned. Currently, we're working on it and we'll definitely let you know sometime towards the end of April when it's ready for a BETA release!
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Rob Brown said:
Hi Vincent, This is something that we are really interested in, are you any closer to knowin where this sits on your roadmap?
Hi @Rob Brown Yes, we're still working on it and will keep you and the community informed when it's ready for BETA testing. We're targeting in the next month or so but some of the these timelines might change slightly.
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Hi there, just wondering if the beta is close to being opened? I NEEEED this!!!
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Excellent!! Just found this post. It is almost end of Q2, and it would seem there are many users that need this feature. Notwithstanding myself.
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This feature is urgently needed.
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Carsten Engelmeier said:
This feature is urgently needed.
Hi @Carsten Engelmeier This feature is currently in closed beta. The reason for the closed beta is that we're still working on connecting recurring activities with the calendar-sync functionality. So the closed beta applies to those companies where all users on that account don't have their calendar-sync enabled at the moment. This will prevent any bugs/issues arising from this while we're developing further.
That said, I checked your accounts and we've enabled it on your sandbox account for you to check the functionality!
Regarding removing the calendar-sync limitations, we're working on it and hoping that we'll be able to release this to customers in the coming months. Can't give an ETA at the moment but will post in the community whenever we're ready for the rollout!
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Is it possible to have this activated on just my account within our company account to view and prepare for potential use during full release / open beta?
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I am wondering if you have an updated timeline on when the BETA will be released, or if it has already been placed in service? Thanks!
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Hi 👋
Is it possible to have the bêta version our my account please ?
Thanks !0 -
Hi there @Lucas MAGNE,
I hope you're well?
Any news on a release date for recurring meetings which does work with Calendar Sync?
Many thanks
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@Lucas MAGNE apologies! Clearly need another coffee this morning! Thanks for coming back to me so quickly either way :)
@Vincent Jyrwa my question should have been aimed at you. Any news on a release date for recurring meetings which does work with Calendar Sync?
Many thanks
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Ola @Vincent Jyrwa
Vejo que o assunto sobre a recorrência de calendário esta em beta ha muito tempo e vejo nos comentários que a posição do Pipedrive e o mesmo, em breve.....
Mas vamos la, e um pouco triste a demora desse recurso, pois e uma das principais funcionalidades que precisamos nos dias atuais, sei que vocês estão trabalhando no assunto, mas ja tem muito tempo que aguardamos, pensei varias vezes em deixar o Pipedrive por isso.
Poderia nos dar uma previsão sobre lançamento, vendo. que o programa Beta ja nao se faz necessário, pois so de Beta foram mais de 1 ano.
Desde ja agradeço