Prefill Name and Email in Meeting Scheduler

Allan Bruun - SimplerQMS
Allan Bruun - SimplerQMS Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary First Comment

I'm currently using Calendly to send out meeting invitations. In Calendly I'm able to pre-define the Name and Email of the person I'm inviting, so they don't need to spend time on this.

I wanted to switch to use the Pipedrive Scheduler for sending invites, however as I understand it, either the invitee or I have to manully fill the Name and Email fields. 

In 99% of cases I just need to invite 1 person and I already have their Name and Email in PD. Therefore, I will expect these fields could be prefilled by PD, when I create a new invite. However, your support says that this can't be done. 

Could you make this improvement to the scheduler, so this information can be prefilled?

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  • Member Posts: 66 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2022 #2

    Hi @Allan Bruun - SimplerQMS ,

    I would love to see the same. Currently not possible as per the support team.

    Are you still using Calendly?

  • daniel
    daniel Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    I also need this. This would make sure that the correct deal is always attached to the meeting itself.

  • Ariel Esteban Pasini
    Ariel Esteban Pasini Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This is an essentials function of the event scheduler and other competitors have it.

    Please understand that without this, it is not possible to automate a basic flow like:

    1. Form registration submit
    2. New deal created (with name and email associated)
    3. Email sended with invitation (link to scheduler with mail + name prefilled)
    4. Deal advance (automatically) when making the reservation.

    Greetings 😊

  • Martin Miersch
    Martin Miersch Member Posts: 18 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper

    I recommend clicking the vote button. 😊

  • daniel
    daniel Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    Guys this was 3 years now and people are still planning meetings and are not linked to a sale. Switching to hubspot