A major flaw on email management related to Deal that should not be reproduced for project managemen

Guillaume_1141 Member Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Up Votes
edited July 2023 in Sales CRM #1

in Pipedrive Mail, when one user (the main addressee) of an email link an email to a Deal, that link does not appear in the Inbox of another user that also received this email but in CC. I have turned Pipedrive into a Project manager and found many ways to use it efficiently as it (not as a sales tool for me) but couldn't find a way to fix that. So... many emails received in copy by my other users (either the emails I send or the ones I receive) appear in the Inbox of my collaborators as unlink to any deal even if they are actually linked (but not by them, by me). I am sometimes the only one that knows which deal/project is an email about mainly in early phases of development of a project. It is very weird and it IS an important flaw when collaborating. If you happen to develop the feature so we can link emails to projects, PLEASE FIX THIS. If I link an email with a project, I need my collaborators to see it in their inbox too. If they turn to do it themselves, presently, the email duplicates in the Deals view and that would happen in the project management tool... I would be happy to explain that in a conference call if needed. And last word for now: Please allow the emails to be linked to both Project and Deal, not one or the other: as a manager I need to see both the deal and the project an email is related to. and a sale person sometimes need to refer to the project to reach the sale.


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,042 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2022 #2

    Hi Guillaume!

    Thanks for sharing your detailed feedback on the emailing. We have indeed planned to enable emailing on our projects later this year. I appreciate your feedback as I was not aware myself of the linking not being visible in other users inbox. When we plan the work together with our team that maintains the email area in Pipedrive I will definitely discuss both options:

    • Linking is visible in multiple inboxes
    • Linking to both project and deals

    I'm currently not sure if there are any technical limitations that first need to be resolved but I'll be diving into this subject, thanks for passing on!

  • Guillaume_1141
    Guillaume_1141 Member Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Up Votes
    edited May 2022 #3

    Hi Guillaume!

    Thanks for sharing your detailed feedback on the emailing. We have indeed planned to enable emailing on our projects later this year. I appreciate your feedback as I was not aware myself of the linking not being visible in other users inbox. When we plan the work together with our team that maintains the email area in Pipedrive I will definitely discuss both options:

    • Linking is visible in multiple inboxes
    • Linking to both project and deals

    I'm currently not sure if there are any technical limitations that first need to be resolved but I'll be diving into this subject, thanks for passing on!

    Thanks Mike. I really hope your voice will be heard. Please insist. That is something that really is a problem in Pipedrive Mail and the most anti-collaborative aspect I have found so far. 

  • Matthew Berger
    Matthew Berger Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2022 #4

    Hi Guillaume!

    Thanks for sharing your detailed feedback on the emailing. We have indeed planned to enable emailing on our projects later this year. I appreciate your feedback as I was not aware myself of the linking not being visible in other users inbox. When we plan the work together with our team that maintains the email area in Pipedrive I will definitely discuss both options:

    • Linking is visible in multiple inboxes
    • Linking to both project and deals

    I'm currently not sure if there are any technical limitations that first need to be resolved but I'll be diving into this subject, thanks for passing on!

    Guillaume, have all your users made emails viewable/shared as opposed to private from within the email sync settings of each users account settings?

  • Guillaume_1141
    Guillaume_1141 Member Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Up Votes
    edited May 2022 #5

    Hi Guillaume!

    Thanks for sharing your detailed feedback on the emailing. We have indeed planned to enable emailing on our projects later this year. I appreciate your feedback as I was not aware myself of the linking not being visible in other users inbox. When we plan the work together with our team that maintains the email area in Pipedrive I will definitely discuss both options:

    • Linking is visible in multiple inboxes
    • Linking to both project and deals

    I'm currently not sure if there are any technical limitations that first need to be resolved but I'll be diving into this subject, thanks for passing on!

    Hello Matthew,

    yes. I just did check in each account. As a matter of fact, I see their emails in the deals.The problem is NOT the emails visibility in the deals, the problem is (for example) when I link an email (in which I am the main addressee and they are CC) into a deal, in their inbox, to the right in the column where the linked deal should be visible, the deal name will not show for them. Same in the opposite case, if they link an email to a deal where I am in Copy, in my Inbox, I will not see this email is already linked to a deal. I hope it is clear. Thanks.

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