Stampa dei messaggi di posta

Giambattista Ducoli
Giambattista Ducoli Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Photogenic
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Ho notato che quando stampo le email, sia inviate che ricevute, non appaiono nella stampo gli allegati.

Inoltre, se stampo una email ricevuta nel giorno stesso in cui la stampo, la data riporta solamente l'ora e non la data.

Capita anche a voi?

Ci sono delle impostazioni particolari per far si che siano visibili?

gb :-)


  • Marco Govoni
    Marco Govoni Member Posts: 152 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #2

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

  • Giambattista Ducoli
    Giambattista Ducoli Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited May 2020 #3

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    e aggiungere anche la lista degli allegati, che ad oggi non risulta visibile.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited May 2020 #4

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    @Giambattista Ducoli and @Marco Govoni just to be sure that we fully understand the area you are talking about, could you send us a screenshot here and explain how it is now, and how you'd like to see it?

  • Marco Govoni
    Marco Govoni Member Posts: 152 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited May 2020 #5

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    Here :-) 

  • Giambattista Ducoli
    Giambattista Ducoli Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited May 2020 #6

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    Buongiorno Mike, in allegato una stampa di quello che ho richiesto.

    gb :-)

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited April 2022 #7

    Thank you both for clarifying! I'll pass this suggestion on to the team 🙂

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited May 2020 #8

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    I would like to point out to be careful with sharing screenshots in public. There's personal information in those so please think about GDPR and privacy here.

  • Giambattista Ducoli
    Giambattista Ducoli Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Photogenic
    edited May 2020 #9

    The problem maybe the "timestamp" field: it counts how much time has passed since email has written (or sent) to now. If time is less a day (24 hours), PD doesn't print the day, but only print hours or minutes.

    @Mike van der Valk @Nuno Oliveira can you take a look to this issue?

    The goal is to print the complete date (with the day) 

    Ciao Mike, sono tutti dati miei personali, ma farò ancora più attenzione, grazie della segnalazione.

  • Tola Giovanni
    Tola Giovanni Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #10

    Ciao a tutti


    Io ho serie difficoltà ad usare la posta tramite Pipedrive, visivamente è troppo diverso da Outlook, Tuhnderbird, ma anche dalla webmail di Libero o Aruba, e non capisco se è+ possibile cambiarne l'aspetto.



  • Marco Govoni
    Marco Govoni Member Posts: 152 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Likes
    edited August 2020 #11

    Ciao a tutti


    Io ho serie difficoltà ad usare la posta tramite Pipedrive, visivamente è troppo diverso da Outlook, Tuhnderbird, ma anche dalla webmail di Libero o Aruba, e non capisco se è+ possibile cambiarne l'aspetto.



    Al momento no Giovanni purtroppo.

  • Tola Giovanni
    Tola Giovanni Member Posts: 25 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic
    edited August 2020 #12

    Ciao a tutti


    Io ho serie difficoltà ad usare la posta tramite Pipedrive, visivamente è troppo diverso da Outlook, Tuhnderbird, ma anche dalla webmail di Libero o Aruba, e non capisco se è+ possibile cambiarne l'aspetto.



    ok grazie

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