Payment Schedule in Deal Record Revenue Block

Brian Fischer
Brian Fischer Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary

Is there a way to edit the payment schedule options? Currently there are weekly, monthly and quarterly and it would be helpful to have annual, semi-annual and annual/one time options. Many of our projects are invoiced semi-annually. Thanks!

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  • CarlosPD
    CarlosPD Posts: 41 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Pipedrive Team Photogenic First Comment
    edited June 2022 #2

    Hey Brian! Thank you for reaching out. There is currently a yearly interval option on the dropdown: 


    I agree completely that your other mentioned intervals would be greatly beneficial to have included on the dropdown, I will forward this as feedback to our product team. In the meantime, you can workaround this limitation by manually inputting your payment dates like so: 


    Once you save the payments like so, the 'Monthly' tag will be removed from the schedule to prevent confusion later on.

    Hoping this provides some light to the feature! If you had any further areas needing clarification though, please feel free to contact support at for assistance!