Product group / Sub-product group - a new feature for items that include different items.

Our company mainly deals with providing individual solutions that consist of various products, sometimes we have 100 different items in one document.
For a customer it is a macabre! Would it be possible to add an option to create product/product subgroups with their components?
Below a quick mockup:

Hey Lukas!
Very interesting scenario. This seems to be a use case for Product bundling. However, typically when bundling/packing, the price, quantity and discount mapped to the Deal is from the bundle itself and not the data from individual products.
In your use case would you like to map a bundle (price, discount and quantity of the bundle are the ones used to map to the deal) or attach multiple individual products in bulk to a given deal?
In 2023 we are focusing in improving significantly the Products feature.
Feel free to suggest other improvements you would like in the Products Catalog like product bundling for us to take in consideration during research phase. Many thanks :)
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Groups of products would be nice - say we have a package of ten products that we frequently sell, but for accounting reasons it is important to list the products individually. rather than add 15 products at a time, add the one code and get the 15 products added automatically.
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Yes great idea, I would like to have this as well
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@Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco , is this idea integrated now in Pipedrive? This feature is very relevant