Inconsistent translation of rotting deals in Korean version
Ted Youn
Member Posts: 121 VERIFIED MEMBER
I'm reporting another Korean translation error for the deal rotting feature.
This is what you see in Korean version when you try to edit Pipeline stages.
- In each pipeline, deal rotting is translated as "지체遲滯"
- In a tooltip, however, deal rotting is translated as "정체停滯".
Such an inconsistent translation may confuse Korean readers. I think we can use the word "정체" for deal rotting feature in both places.
Hope this helps.
p.s. In Korean, the words "지체" and "정체" describe traffic congestion:
- 지체 denotes "light congestion"
- 정체 denotes "heavy congestion"
That's why I think "정체" sounds better for the word "deal rotting".