Campaign for After Sales and need multiple contacts in my recipient list that are attached to a deal

Moritz Mierisch
Moritz Mierisch Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Hey, I want to generate a recipient list that comes from every deal we have won (=basically customers). At the moment, I can only add the main contact to my sender list automatically. But I don't want only the main contact from that account, I want every contact that is attached to the company / deal in my recipient list. In B2B context I have a lot of people within one company to close a deal, it is not only one. And I would like to keep all of them posted with a dedicated campaign just for our customers. 

Is there a way or a workaround to accomplish that? 



  • Lucas MAGNE
    Lucas MAGNE Member Posts: 163 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Likes
    edited July 2022 #2

    Hi Moritz,

    Actually it's not possible to get all the contact from a company where you won a deal.
    BUT, you can manage it by another way ! 

    1/ Create a new filter in the organisation view : all the company that have a won deal (Deal - status - is - won). 
    It will shows you all the company with at least one won deal. 
    Modify them by a buld edit, and change a specific custom field that you created before with a specifi value that you can return. Or if you have the label Customer on it, it will show you all the organisation with the label customer.
    2/ Go, on the contact person view and create a new filter. This new filter need to have a condition concerning the organisation, for example : Organisation - Label - is - customer or "the new specific custom fields" is XX, so it willl shows you all the contact person who works for an organisation that have a won deal.

    I hope this could help you for your question.


    Have a good day ! 

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