Remove/Change 30 day max from the workflow automation delay feature

The new workflow automation delay feature is great, however the limit of max 30 days delay per workflow is very limiting. Particularly now that we have the option to create automated campaigns.
As a user, I want to be able to reduce and simplify the number of different software I rely on. At the moment, we use Mailchimp for our marketing/client comms, however we have recently signed up to Pipedrive Campaigns with the aim to stop using Mailchimp. Before the automations functionality was available in Pipedrive, we had to keep on using both, as we have many automations in Mailchimp, such as a "new client on-boarding mailer series" and a "weekly tips" mailer series.
Now that Pipedrive has automated campaigns in combination with the delay function, we should be able to fully recreate these mailer series in Pipedrive, however, for some reason unbeknownst to me, the maximum time in each workflow is 30 days. That is not enough. Our new client onboarding series goes for 3 months and our weekly tips series for a year, just to name these two.
The workaround that I was suggested by one of your team is complicated and requires me to create even more workflows and custom fields than I would rather have.
Secondly, another reason I would like this time limit removed, is because for one of our services, we apply an annual licence. Ideally, 30 days before the annual licence is due for renewal, we want to send an automatic reminder, however there is currently no option to create an action that takes place XX days before the date in a custom field. However, if the delay feature had a maximum delay of one year, we could create a workflow that would send this reminder 48 weeks after the deal has been won.
I suggest you either fully remove the time limit or change it to something a bit longer (ideally a year).
I agree with Marleen. It would be great to use the delay feature for longer periods as well, e.g. several months or even a year.