Transfer labels from leads to deals

Letizia Zappa
Letizia Zappa Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
5 Up Votes

Hi all,

It would be great if we could transfer labels from leads to deals. This way every time you assign a specific label to a lead, that label would then stick to deal coming from the lead, which can be pretty useful, especially if you want to keep track of the lead funnel: where it came from, and what type of deal it ended up being.

The use case:  when a lead is coming from marketing I assign the "Marketing lead" label and then I want to keep such label when the lead becomes a deal, so I can evaluate if marketing activities are creating quality leads or not.


12 votes

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited February 2022 #2

    Thanks @Letizia Zappa I'm going to share this suggestion with the team!

  • Ueli Schwegler
    Ueli Schwegler Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #3

    Thanks @Letizia Zappa I'm going to share this suggestion with the team!

    Hey @Mike van der Valk  how is the status here? We would also be happy to have this feature!

  • Michael Dudli
    Michael Dudli Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #4

    any update here? we have the same issue currently. The only way now is to fill in a deal label from lead label manually upon creation a new lead. 


  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 137 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited March 2021 #5

    Thanks @Letizia Zappa I'm going to share this suggestion with the team!

    Hello @Ueli Schwegler ,


    Mike has indeed submitted this as feedback as he mentioned, but our team have not yet had the opportunity to implement this feature. 

    Leads inbox has been going through some other changes and our team is currently working improving it as much as possible.

    Feedback is always appreciated so I will also be submitting this as feedback on your behalf. The more feedback we have about a specific feature, the better it will be as it indicates the need for it.

    Meanwhile, if there is anything else we can help you with, please feel free to reach out to our support team through our chat support or via email at


    Have a rest of a great day, take care for now and stay safe! 

  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 137 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited March 2021 #6

    any update here? we have the same issue currently. The only way now is to fill in a deal label from lead label manually upon creation a new lead. 


    Hello @Michael Dudli,

    At the moment the Deal label still needs to be manually added when converting a Lead to a Deal. 

    I just mentioned to Ueli (on the post above), that this is a feature that has not yet been implemented, but the more feedback we get the better it is as it gives us a sense of urgency in what we should be focusing on next.

    I will also be submitting feedback internally on your behalf.

  • Oliver Bayliss
    Oliver Bayliss Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2021 #7

    Hi everyone!

    Is this feature likely to be implemented soon? It seems very non-pipedrive to me to capture information about a lead (in the form of labels) and then just lose all this info when you convert the lead to a deal. Where does the data go to?

    We capture valuable information about leads while prospecting and want to use this throughout the sales cycle. I am thinking that I will need to set up a new 'leads pipeline' rather than use the leads inbox.

    Also, I would need to create custom fields for each piece of information,  since the People Label can only be assigned one value (unlike the multiple labels in the leads inbox)

    Has anyone found a good way to manage this?

  • Dan Myers
    Dan Myers Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2021 #8

    Hi guys.  I agree with wanting this feature.  I’m a new user but I love the labels and wish they would tra over to a deal.  

  • Dylan Ullrich
    Dylan Ullrich Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2021 #9

    Thanks @Letizia Zappa I'm going to share this suggestion with the team!

    Any further updates on when this feature may be available?

  • Lea Weyermann
    Lea Weyermann Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2021 #10

    We would also be interested in this feature. Very important to keep track of where the leads come from. Any updates so far? 

  • Mike Guest
    Mike Guest Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited April 2022 #11

    This is a great request. We use lead labels to understand segments so that we can quickly send messaging via Dux Soup to LinkedIn connections (populating campaigns etc). 

    It would be great for this to flow across to deals - as the prospect research has already been captured - it would be much easier to manage more personalised messaging with the labels still in place.

  • Emmanuel Lebeul
    Emmanuel Lebeul Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited May 2022 #12


    In addition to the benefit of keeping the track of where come leads, it avoids a loss of time creating same labels in lead and deal parts + to reassign the labels.

    Please pipedrive, do communicate on availability date of this feature. 

    Thanks to Letizia Zappa for this valuable idea.

  • Pipedriveadmin
    Pipedriveadmin Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1 on this one. It is out there since Nov 2020 and all replies point in the same direction: Let's implement this or at the very least a workaround/automation to convert or copy a lead label to a deal label.

  • JM-S4i
    JM-S4i Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great idea Letizia Zappa

    This seems like a no-brainer to me !!

    What is the purpose of labels if they can't be associated with a client throughout the whole sales cycle.

    Pipedrive do such a great job in general of making a fine CRM tool but this seems at odds with the whole design philosophy of creating a piece of software that's sole purpose is to streamline the sales communication process, and then this requires the user to have re-enter such basic customer relation information.

    Please consider adding.

  • Oliver Schlögl
    Oliver Schlögl Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hello everybody!

    As I (as an active Pipedrive user) can see, the label transfer from leads to deals wasn't implemented yet. Any idea if this will be done soon?



  • Kristoffer
    Kristoffer Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    +1. no. +2!

    Pipedrive, please do this!

    And while you're at it, let the labels also be transferred to organizations )

    In any case, adding as an automation option could be sufficient for now

  • Ant
    Ant Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Any updates? This functionality sounds extremely simple and was already requested 3 years ago. Any plans to introduce it?

  • Ant
    Ant Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Customer Admin, @Mike van der Valk, @Helio any updates? It has been over 3.5 year, this functionality is super important for the sales pipeline.

  • Tim J
    Tim J Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Photogenic

    +1 It would be great if this feature was active

  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,603 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    My periodical reminder to help you choose between Leads and Deals wisely:

  • Brand2
    Brand2 Member Posts: 41 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Why not just make a custom attribute? I use these more than I do labels to be honest.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Ant and others, I've reached out to the team working on Leads, I will return here with an answer from them as soon as I have it ;)

  • Ant
    Ant Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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  • Veronika Danielova
    Veronika Danielova Pipedrive Team Posts: 18 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hey hey everyone,

    at the moment we do not have work on Leads-Deals Labels on our roadmap however I hope I can get you excited about functionality, which is in preparation as we speak and hopefully could help you to solve some cases.

    What we are working on at the moment with the team is to add a new system field into Deals which should help you capture the "Source" of Deal (Lead) throughout your sales cycle.

    After the release you will be able to add sources of your Lead, the same piece of data will be available once converted to Deal or added if you create a Deal straight away without previous conversion.

    Please Let me know what do you think!

    Thank you


  • Ant
    Ant Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

    Hello Veronika,

    That's perfect news, this is exactly what I wanted to utilize labels for :D

    Any ETA?

    Big thanks for the answer and really looking forward to this functionality!

  • PinkUnicorns
    PinkUnicorns Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hello, any progress in this matter? I am shocked it is not developed yet

  • Gilbert
    Gilbert Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hello - is there any news about it? As I understand, Pipedrive does not have the transfer of the Label from Lead to Deal on the roadmap.

    Is this final? Many people here are asking for it and we would need the feature too.

    What about the new function that was mentioned in January which could be used instead - any news about that? Anything? At least so we know it will take another few months?

    Thank you

  • TonyB
    TonyB Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    This is a 4 Year suggestion and hard to believe that PipeDrive hasn't addressed this. As mentioned by others above this is appears to be a flaw as lead's label data is lost when it's converted to a Deal. I can see the challenge in PD offers Labels for Leads and Deals - that are unique for each, but they could offer a capabilty to map labels from one to the other during the conversion process. PipeDrive - please recognize this data and workflow flaw and address it somehow.

    Fortunately I created a workaround to maintain the label form Lead to Deal - but it requires the use of a field that is shared with Leads and Deals - in my case I used a custom field. I then had to setup an Automation for "Deal Created" that checks that field for the set value, and then updates the deal Label field to the particular label value. I ended up creating 2 similar automations - for both Deal CREATED and Deal UPDATED triggers - each checking that custom field so I would have consistency in the case a deal was originated as a deal and wasn't converted from a lead.

    Hope this helps

  • GraemeHW
    GraemeHW Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Throwing my weight into this as well. After 4 months of running nearly all stages of outreach in the Leads board, and managing the status with Lead labels (and only converting to Deals when there is a specific project with a dollar value attached, as advised for best practices), we decided we needed the more visual Kanban presentation of the Deals board, so are converting all Leads to Deals as soon as they have their first outreach. Now, some labels have become steps in the Kanban flow, which is offers a more visual snapshot with column totals, but (1) I lose all the labels in the process, and (2) for any outreach that never goes anywhere, or we decide it's not worth pursuing, then it's not really ever a "deal that was lost", so the work around is to use the 'convert back to a Lead' function, and then archive that Lead, because it has reached a dead end but don't want to lose the contact and history data, but of course the Lead labels don't magically come back, so I have lost whatever steps it took on it's journey to being an archived lead.

    Aside from the steps in the process (which we changed from Lead labels to Kanban stages), there are other labels which are very useful and are not suitable for Kanban stages; e.g. for Lead Scoring, I had a simple rating system of stars that are applied as a label when it comes in, and those are lost as soon as I convert to a deal. Sidebar: I am surprised at the lack of capability for simple Lead Scoring that is not from the AI / Prospecting Tool. Hindsight - create your own field and don't use labels. I guess that goes for all the Lead Labels that didn't become Kanban stages.

    But I have to think here must be a way to have the option to pull those labels in? I can see that it can present programming challenges, but I am a user, not a programmer… at any rate, it's a loss of data that certainly makes me rethink how I would use the lead labels if starting from scratch. How about a warning message - 'Some info may be lost' is far to ambiguous; 'YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR LEAD LABELS FOREVER AND THERE IS NO GETTING THEM BACK' is more accurate. ;) So yes, I will second any options for providing a bridge for labels during the conversion to a Deal. Thanks.