Activity Priority

I love the way Pipedrive organises Activities and how it visualises current, overdue and future tasks. However I get asked a lot by clients if theres a way to set an urgency me there isnt really the best workaround for this unless you type urgent somewhere in the activity.
Is it possible to use the same red, green and grey light scheme but for priorities please? Even if the date is in 2 weeks time, the task itself may be more urgent than something needed sooner.
Definitely! Or allow us to create a new "label" field when creating or editing an activity? Thanks!
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As I wait for this feature, I did find a work-around that seems to be working for me. I added the "notes" column to the activity view and moved it next to the activity name, then in the notes section of each activity, I've added "high priority," "medium priority," "low priority" etc. This allows me to easily see the priorities and I can sort them alphabetically so they are all lumped together. It's not perfect, but it works for now. Hope this helps someone!
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Could be really well !
Today, we are using some "other solution" to do that as "!" in front of the actvity subject.
One filter to have all the activity with just one "!"
Another filter with two "!!". And a last one for emergencies activities "!!!"
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Bumping for visibility. Would really appreciate Activity Priority implemented as an additional, customizable field attached to any given Activity. My team's workflow demands that we have a priority classification for our daily activities and we're having to use a less-than-ideal workaround.
As another user mentions, as a workaround, add "Note" as a default field for Activity list view, then move it closer to the left of each activity entry. Then format each note with priority level at the front, followed by a separator of some kind.
For example,
High | Generate Quote for Client
Med | Schedule Walkthrough with Client
Low | Create New Workflow for Inquiries
It's not the best workaround but it helps. Pipedrive crew, please consider implementing this functionality into activities ASAP.
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I like to keep things simple. If something is urgent I add several exclamation points in the subject field.