Projects Tool - Available for Mobile?



  • Jared Kinchen
    Jared Kinchen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Mike van der Valk, just curious what good it is to have import functionality if you can’t properly work on what you’ve just imported? And if tasks, wherever they land in their automation cycle, can’t be worked, does it really make since to work on their automations?

    #1 rule is good design - Design the right thing first, before you design the thing right.

    As a consultant who guides strategic growth and innovation for companies all over the world, we often see mis-prioritization lead to a snowball of missed opportunities, failed launches, and overall longer delays to achieve strategic goals.

    I just started using Pipedrive and loved seeing that I could manage my orgs projects. I even had two of my clients just check it out and they (on their own without our guidance) migrated from Salesforce the same week I suggested looking at it. Then, like @Josh Buesking said, I expected to see our projects in the mobile app once I had the team build it out on the desktop. Major disappointment and reveals possibly a lack in understanding the needs of the customer, or the business processes of the customer type.

    Sincerely hope to see this happen quick, not just for my own purpose but for the others as well as Pipedrive. You stand out in the field of Clickup, Salesforce, and other rapidly developing tools and this would solidify Pipedrive in being a complete package to manage sales and projects.

  • Alex_Optimize_Inspire
    Alex_Optimize_Inspire Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #33

    Good point, probably These Details will be deveopled Step by Step right @Pipedrive Gurus?

  • Pipedrive Gurus
    Pipedrive Gurus Member Posts: 38 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #34

    @Alex_Optimize_Inspire probably but better ask your pipedrive key account manager or the pipedrive support. Pipedrive is working constantly on upgrades and I think projects and campaigns will become a lot of cool features in the future. :).

  • Alex_Optimize_Inspire
    Alex_Optimize_Inspire Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #35

    Hey @Pipedrive Gurus , that sounds great, i was just curious about your experiences in terms of developing new features, but for sure i will also stay in touch with our key account manager😉🤙

  • TheImprovementCo
    TheImprovementCo Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Mike van der Valk I have to agree with the sentiment above; the whole reason we are using Pipedrive is to integrate our entire process, start to finish. But, if our Operations Manager can't see his Projects and update tasks via mobile, it breaks down fast.

    Using software like Pipedrive saves time only insofar as it doesn't create new demands on time, i.e. stopping what you are doing to get your laptop out in your truck to update Pipedrive, or, taking notes to do it later... which then get forgotten (forgetting to do things is part of the reason we need Pipedrive in the first place). I need to train our staff to do everything in Pipedrive, but I can't if it's not on their phone.

    I think @Jared Kinchen hit the nail on the head. Anyone that has been in management for any length of time knows those awkward moments when you realise that the "higher ups" are completely oblivious to the glaring necessity of the customer that the "boots on the ground" can see. This is one of those times. Anyone can make a CSR software, and they do, but integrating it with the rest of your "after sale" workflow is the unique and valuable goal for most end users, like us. If Pipedrive can successfully do that, it will be a major boon for all involved, but that is impossible without mobile Projects.

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Guys Mike hasn't commented here in over 6 weeks.

    I haven't seen anything new with projects since the very basic task overview page was introduced.

    Project's has lot's of potential and I'm sure it's out of Mike's hands and more in the senior managements to get these things done unfortunately.

  • BlaiseDimitri
    BlaiseDimitri Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #38

    It's great to hear that you are enjoying the projects feature in Pipedrive. Seamless synchronization between the app and desktop versions can indeed enhance the user experience and provide better flexibility. If you are facing challenges with the lack of synchronization between the two platforms, you are not alone. many users value the ability to switch between the site and desktop seamlessly, especially when managing projects that evolve from leads.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I agree, not having access to projects via the app is frustrating and creates more work at the end of the day uploading data from the field.

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Somewhere there’s someone that thinks mobile isn’t important at Pipedrive and they need to be reassigned. 😂

  • Fitri Zainal
    Fitri Zainal Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I want projects on mobile apps 🥲

  • Chec-OHH
    Chec-OHH Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    So what’s new on this request?

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2023 #43

    Everyone does, where projects fell flat. It's not on their short term road map. Hopefully see API access this year otherwise no new functionality is the official statement.

    I love pipedrive, using for 7 years or so. Mobile is always the red headed step child and if you see projects on mobile... let alone in 2024 I'll buy you a drink.

  • Ashley Keeler
    Ashley Keeler Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2023 #44

    @Mike van der Valk Good morning Mike, we're in the final stages of evaluating whether we can migrate our whole team from PD + Asana to Projects. Could you give us any updates on the mobile roadmap?

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited November 2023 #45

    Hi @Ashley Keeler since the last 4 months I've personally moved to a different part of Pipedrive working on the Insights reporting feature. As far as I know we unfortunately don't have Projects on Mobile planned at the moment. Our new PM on the feature posted about Projects add-on here recently:

  • Jake Kushner (JLK)
    Jake Kushner (JLK) Member Posts: 44 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    In case anyone missed this, sadly seems like projects add-on is being put on the back burner long term. See official announcement from new product manager:

  • Ashley Keeler
    Ashley Keeler Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks @Jake Kushner (JLK) for highlighting that other post - I didn't catch it. Sad news.

  • James Pindard
    James Pindard Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2023 #48

    I am trying to move my whole team over to PD from sales tracking to PM. As we run a factory where project management is a key process I would really like the ability to use an app version, as this would help live project tracking which is not available on PD. Come on guys pull your finger out.

  • whitsandiego
    whitsandiego Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We need projects on the mobile app! Please!

  • blandforms
    blandforms Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Just switching to Pipedrive and I will echo the need for mobile access to the Project management side.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    We really need the ability to access project boards on the mobile app.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Mike van der Valk When is the project view coming to mobile?... This is a pretty big issue, having a feature roll out on desktop with no clear plan for mobile in this day and age is a major misstep considering how many people work almost exclusively on their mobile devices. This update should be top priority considering how necessary it is, not to mention how much traffic and attention it's getting. This request has more comments and votes than most I've seen in this community forum. It's been over a year and still no official word on exactly when or how it will be implemented. I really believe Pipedrive needs to get their priorities in order and recognize what the users truly want and need. 😞

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited December 2023 #53

    Mike is no longer manager of the project module and they have said that no future development or mobile is on the planned list.

    Huge slap in the face to the early adopters.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Jared Kinchen I completely agree and couldn't of said it better myself 👍 They need someone like you on the team! Because clearly they just don't get it. It's a great app with a solid foundation but the management is severely lacking. I've used so many tools over the years Clickup, Airtable, Trello, Hubspot, Bonsai, Streak, and many more. Pipedrive has the potential to be the best and it's close, but they're missing the mark on many small yet important features. I really hope they can refocus and get it together.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Josh Buesking oh you’re so right! That is clearly a slap in the face. These guys clearly have no idea what they’re doing. They’re pissing off a lot of users who would otherwise be very happy with their product. But they just don’t seem to care about the consumer in any way. So thanks for the update, now we’ll be looking for another app to replace Pipedrive soon.

  • Niklas Babel
    Niklas Babel Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Pipedrive prioritised dark mode over this topic here; just rolled dark mode out – not sure about this move.

    cc @Mike van der Valk

  • Niklas Babel
    Niklas Babel Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    as described here – this is also our approach, moving everything into Pipedrive, but this feels like a wrong move now being afraid about Pipedrive sunsetting Projects if they are not active here

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    They have stated projects will be maintained but nothing new with no planned future date of picking it up again. That's really all you need to know.

  • John Stewart
    John Stewart Member Posts: 13 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Adding my vote for mobile project management features - it's not terribly useful to have it only on desktop.

    The vast majority of people that would use it in certain industries like residential construction and real estate (both highly fragmented industries that make great Pipedrive customers) that work in the field will need the functionality on their phones because they can't be chained to a desktop.

    Look to the Asana or even ClickUp apps for inspiration - you're not stealing anything, because they didn't invent task managment.

  • Frank Filippelli
    Frank Filippelli Member Posts: 95 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Mike van der Valk I along with many other pipedrive users enjoyed the projects add-on. But unfortunately we all feel betrayed by pipedrive for the way they are handling the projects feature. There is no mobile support whatsoever and the team has made it quite clear in this community forum that they have no interest in working on the projects app. So why should we be expected to pay for something that pipedrive does not want to take seriously or work on at all. It's incredibly insulting to be treated this way as a good paying customer. But now, not only are we cancelling projects but we are also in the process of looking for a pipedrive replacement in general (maybe Plutio app). Because we are not at all happy with the way pipedrive actively ignores it's community. We like the app a lot but that's a big deal breaker for our team. When we pay over $120/month for a service that others provide for $50/month or less, we expect to be listened to and have our input strongly considered.

  • Cristopher
    Cristopher Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited November 2024 #61

    Hello dears!

    Do you know when Pipedrive will develop the projects module for the mobil app? The project is really important for me, and navigate from the safari / chrome in my iPad work really bad (I have and iPad Pro M1 so that's not the problem).

    Has Pipedrive mentioned anything about this? Does anyone know something?