Products sales analysis

Hi there,
After talking to your help team, it appears that there is no possibility to export products sales in an Excel document to analyse it.
Indeed, we are using Pipedrive to realise quotes and sales, we have more than 600 products and no possibility to analyse products sales quantity over time...
Could you imagine a possibility for exporting sales of every products so that we could analyse it by date, quantity, margin...?
Thanks for your answer, will try!
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Actually it seems like the product part of Pipedrive could need some assistance in general.
For example it is possible inside a deal to link to products, and also on visiting a product, seing who "bought it", but when going to company-overview, it is not possible to see which products they bought. :/
Seems like a odd limitation. Also we tried fixing this problem by creating a custom field "relational" so each product could be linked with an organization. That solves the problem half, since we can now filter the products down, but still not see them from an organizational view.
@Mike van der Valk any input on this?
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Thanks for sharing. We're currently putting a team in 2023 to take on Products and make huge improvements there. I'll pass on this thread to the team working on it to take into account while prioritising the improvements.
Thanks for the tag!
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That is a really great news! Could you please let us know when this will be available?
Do you think the team will improve products sales analysis? It would be really really great if Pipedrive would let the possibility of export in Excel (or other) all the products sales (and not only deals) during a period and which make appears quantity, price, margin... so we can really analyse sales during this period and compare it to an other period!
Thank you very much and have a great day!
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Hi @Mathias Brask and @Alexis Muntaner,
Thanks for your feedback, it's been added to our Products research so we can prioritise these improvements in future. As Mike mentioned we are investing to improve Products in 2023 and are currently working to prioritise the feature enhancements. If you'd like to give more feedback in a customer interview please let me know and I'll set up a quick call 🙂
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Even though has already been mentioned here, I'd like to add more value.
With you can extract the following data from Pipedrive:
- Deals;
- Persons;
- Organizations;
- Activities;
- Files;
- Leads;
- Call logs;
- Products
to Excel, Google Sheets and BigQuery automatically on a desired schedule.
To learn more details, please follow Pipedrive to Excel integration link.
Also offers a free 14-Days test-drive to try the tool out and to check if it fits your needs.
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@Mike van der Valk It’s 2024, and there are still no filters for the product; there is no way to analyze them - which product was sold most often, which was the most expensive product for the period, etc.
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Hi @Alfa Pack Ukraine we actually have filters, view by and measure by options already inside different deal reports in our Insights reporting area.
Some examples were they are currently already live:
- deals report has the possibility to filter by product;
- view by has the opportunity to view by product;
- measure by has the opportunity to measure by product value;
Next to that we're exploring some potential updates of product reporting at the moment but it hasn't made it officially on the roadmap yet. Hope this helps 🙏🏻