How can I export the date of entry and evolution of a deal?

Sávio_45215 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary Photogenic

Hi Guys,

I've been trying to find a way to export the information of the evolution date of a deal on Pipedrive. When I used the duration Insight the only info I get is the avarage period of each step but not when each specific deal entered on each step of the funnel.

I can find the information on the changelog but I dont know how to export that info easily.

If anyone could help me :) ....

Best Answer

  • ddutra
    ddutra Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Likes First Answer Name Dropper
    #2 Answer ✓

    @Sávio_45215 it should be possible using the API /v1/deals/{id}/flow with the all_changes parameter.

    You should be able to list all deal changes on a log fashion and then use Google Sheets or Excel to build the report view as you want it.

    Other than that I am not aware of this changes being available any other way but I might be wrong. You should hit the support chat on this!
