How do you define and engage with your ‘ideal’ sales prospect?

David Lorbiecke_3
David Lorbiecke_3 Posts: 186 VERIFIED MEMBER
100 Comments Pipedrive Team
edited July 2022 in Business Talk #1

Successful sales prospecting is all about identifying your ideal prospects, and then taking advantage of the channels available to you, and leveraging them to make a sale.

An ideal prospect falls into one (or several) of these categories:

  • Your product meets the customer’s needs
  • Your team’s sales cycle aligns with the customer’s purchasing behavior
  • Your pricing strategy fits in with the customer’s budget

Analyzing your sales metrics can help you decide how to narrow prospects down and target the ones most likely to buy. 

You might ask yourself questions like:

  • What position does the decision maker hold at the companies you already sell to?
  • What is your ideal customer’s company size?
  • What are some of the common factors that your best customers share?
  • What are the biggest pain points in their industry right now? 

Once you have a comprehensive overview of your ideal prospect and their needs, you will then need to customize your method of contact to ensure you get the best engagement rates. 

Methods might include:

What are your go-to methods for defining an ideal prospect and how do you decide the best way to engage with them?

Learn how to prospect for sales by defining your ideal sales prospect. Here are six techniques you can use to attract leads into your pipeline.


  • Shobhit Gaur
    Shobhit Gaur Member Posts: 125 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic Integration Partner
    edited February 2022 #2

    You explained sales cycle in a crisp way   @David 🇺🇸 👌

    @Laxman , @Vamsi C. , @Muneesh Tyagi   given your sales experience, what are your thoughts on an ideal prospect and the best way to engage with them? 🤔

  • Muneesh Tyagi_3536
    Muneesh Tyagi_3536 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Integration Partner
    edited April 2022 #3

    As we are proceed to position our product in the market, our value proposition should directly align with the prospects pain points to make them the perfect fit. 

    So while defining  an ideal customer for me is to match the use case and see if our product can really depreciate the pain points for the prospects. While in discovery phase you can actually see the extra benefits you can provide to them and make that a horizontal approach to perfect the needs of certain market fit!

    Agree with @David 🇺🇸 above to create a buyer persona, ask yourself the right questions to define it like mentioned above. 

    While talking about engaging to our ideal prospects - I feel strongly to search for them at-least once on Google, you might get some useful information on which social channels they are present on. 

    Try connecting to them where they are comfortable with is what I feel is the most apt way to go forward with your face, details about you is visible to them rather than an email at first which just conveys just your name and nothing more about you. 




  • Vamsi C.
    Vamsi C. Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Integration Partner
    edited May 2020 #4

    You explained sales cycle in a crisp way   @David 🇺🇸 👌

    @Laxman , @Vamsi C. , @Muneesh Tyagi   given your sales experience, what are your thoughts on an ideal prospect and the best way to engage with them? 🤔

    As an SDR, I’ve been into several Sales related groups on Socialmedia especially Linkedin. 

    I talk to one SDR each day whom I think is the ideal account to reach out.I add value for couple of days, we compliment each other then I ask for a meeting to discuss more. 

    I get some insider information during meeting and based on that I reach out to their head.

    This information from SDR helps me do personalised outbound in different channels like Linkedin, Email and cold call.

    This way, I’m building a brand and spreading word of mouth regarding the organisation and the solution we are working on and how its gonna help them save more time comparing with their current tool or their manual process.

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