Private Activities + Calendar-sync πŸ—“

Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,365 COMMUNITY MANAGER
1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers Third Anniversary
edited July 2023 in What's New #1


Users can now control the visibility of private events synced into Pipedrive from their external Google or Microsoft calendars. Additionally, there is a new setting in the calendar-sync settings page with options for visibility as sync as private , sync as public or don't sync


General availability for all companies is planned for the end of July 2023

You can learn about this feature in our knowledge base article here.


  • Jenn Anderson-Logas
    Jenn Anderson-Logas Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Up Votes

    YAY!! Thank you so much!!!

  • mathi96
    mathi96 Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Great to see this announcement. But i still cannot figure out what the plans of Pipedrive is when it comes to the calendar.

    I find it confusing, that such an extension is not following best-practice? I mean.. yeah they are private. But if i created a private-event, i am not able to see the content inside my Pipedrive Calendar (only the blocked out time) - which is then forcing me to go back to Outlook for getting the knowledge about my private-calendar.

    Why not at least have the Title synced back and fourth (2 way sync) and then let the lock-icon describe that this is a private event.

    Do Pipedrive want us to only use the Pipedrive calendar together with the rest of Pipedrive and thereby only have the sales agents to work inside Pipedrive, or do they want us to stay in both the CRM and the Outlook application?

    @Manuel Oliveira ?

  • Vincent Jyrwa
    Vincent Jyrwa Pipedrive Team Posts: 220 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Hi @mathi96 Thanks for your feedback. At the moment, we wanted to solve the problem incrementally. So we've first tackled avoiding any kind of privacy issues with calendar-sync for Pipedrive users. With this setting, information about your personal appointments (private events marked on your external calendar) will appear as private/blocked meeting slots inside Pipedrive. We had decided on this approach primarily because we want to completely eliminate any issues with regards to sensitive calendar information appearing inside Pipedrive (including the title) and to give users the confidence that private events remain private unless specified otherwise. That said, yes at the moment, you will have to switch between Pipedrive and Outlook to see details of those private events. We're still learning from this settings update and are monitoring the feedback on this topic. We will plan more improvements on this going forward for sure.

    "Do Pipedrive want us to only use the Pipedrive calendar together with the rest of Pipedrive and thereby only have the sales agents to work inside Pipedrive, or do they want us to stay in both the CRM and the Outlook application?"

    This highly depends on how you have set processes within your team. Pipedrive's calendar cannot completely replace a dedicated calendar tool like Microsoft's or Google's calendar but where we can contribute is the relevance to sales and also reduce manual work between tools as much as possible.

    Hope my answer helps to some extent.

  • MiguelC.
    MiguelC. Pipedrive Team Posts: 1 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary Photogenic First Comment Pipedrive Team

    Thanks, great news! πŸ™Œ

  • mathi96
    mathi96 Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Hi @Vincent Jyrwa i see your point, but unfortunately still disagree. Pipedrive is not following best-practice on user-experience as well as user-interface.

    Outlook and Google has solved this - why not just use the same UI as the big players. Private for all others, (no title can be shown etc.) but for yourself, the title aswell as the content is visible.

    Pipedrive is talking about being the only crm that is needed. But forcing a sales agent to switch back and fourth between Pipedrive and Outlook, still causes unnecesary time to be spend on basic things.

    Forget about AI and all the other things you are building, if the basic things around the selling process is not working. That is what we are seing at the moment.

  • Vincent Jyrwa
    Vincent Jyrwa Pipedrive Team Posts: 220 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Thanks @mathi96. I understand your point as well. We will consider this as the next improvement for private activities.

  • Katrina Miles
    Katrina Miles Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 5 Likes First Comment Photogenic

    Just wondering if there is an ETA on this for general release?

  • dreas
    dreas Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    We would like to use this feature, too.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,365 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers Third Anniversary

    Hi everyone, the gradual rollout was extended over a longer period, so it has gone beyond July 2023. But is planned to be available to all companies this month (August 2023).

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