Activities, Planning & Outcomes

Jan Visser_342
Jan Visser_342 Member Posts: 70 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

I am trying to make some sense of the activities feature - and how to effectively use this in our workflow.

For instance - we have an activity type "Face to Face Customer Meeting"

  1. One of my reps schedules a meeting with a customer for Monday 06/01. We start an activity of the F2F kind for this scheduled meeting.
  2. We encourage our reps to define the agenda and discussion items in advance. The rep will have to add these pre-plan notes to the activity. (this offers a massive coaching opportunity)
  3. The meeting takes place and has outcomes - again, the rep is expected to share his meeting notes. It makes most sense today to, again, do this inside the specific activity and mark as closed.

The activity note is completely free form. Someone can edit the note, erase the previous text or add no notes whatsoever, there is nothing that requires a rep to complete it. No custom fields (like for instance a PLAN and OUTCOME field) either.

How do other people record scheduled meetings, meeting agendas and meeting outcomes using Pipedrive?



  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,061 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited April 2022 #2

    @Bernd Auer perhaps you can share your experiences here when you have a moment. The checklist on the note but perhaps other use cases you've seen might help Jan here.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 348 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited June 2020 #3

    Hi @Jan Visser ,

    you can add a "discussion guideline" or a checkbox via automation into your tasks. Even a HTML version for a suitable format. This looks really nice and helps your people to add all important information into the task. Besides that, our Pipedrive Proteges are using special filters for controlling. And last but not least you can track the real outcome of a meeting not only by using different Pipeline Stages but also activity types. 

    I think your German colleagues will move forward soon. Then I can prepare something and show you in detail.

    @Mike van der Valk : Thanks for pinning me :-)




  • Nick_66201
    Nick_66201 Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #4

    We are just starting to look into how we can register various meeting outcomes so I'm following this topic (even though its 2 years old). Has there been any update here or changes to PD that would make this easier?

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