Are fixed-value discounts ACTUALLY this difficult?

Here's me trying to apply a simple $300 discount to one of my products.

Please tell me there's a proper way to do this?
I can't believe this level of pain is the only way.

Hey, I get that percentage-based discounts are standard.
But today I just told a client that I'd do a specific package for a round number, to fit their budget.
I still want to add the individual products... but I had to spend ages playing with numbers and adding an arbitrary 16.66666% discount to one product to hit the exact number.
Surely I should be able to add the products and then simply over-ride the total price with one of my choice - with no need for percentages?
Or - even better - I over-ride the final price and Pipedrive automatically calculates what percentage discount I've given on the whole package.0 -
Hi @Alex Napier Holland unfortunately currently only percentage based discount is possible, but I'm sharing your comments with our product manager who looks into the products section. Thanks for sharing.
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Turns out the magic number is 54.545%
Three decimal places to get a simple $200 discount...
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Thank you for sharing you frustrations and you share a very valid point in my opinion. I've add the tag "Feedback & feature suggestions" to your posts. This make sure it lands on the table of our Product manager in charge of that area of Pipedrive.
Thanks again for sharing, sorry for the pain and I hope we can improve 🚀
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Mike van der Valk said:
Thank you for sharing you frustrations and you share a very valid point in my opinion. I've add the tag "Feedback & feature suggestions" to your posts. This make sure it lands on the table of our Product manager in charge of that area of Pipedrive.
Thanks again for sharing, sorry for the pain and I hope we can improve 🚀
Thanks! The irony is that the more you love and rely on a piece of software, the more frustrating it is when a feature doesn't work as it should!
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This is something that we are trying to figure out as well. What would be helpful is if we could choose between percentage and dollar amount. We are currently setting up processes for this and would like to show the discount. It takes too much time to continue to try and find the correct percent for a package deal.
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Ben Larson said:
This is something that we are trying to figure out as well. What would be helpful is if we could choose between percentage and dollar amount. We are currently setting up processes for this and would like to show the discount. It takes too much time to continue to try and find the correct percent for a package deal.
Hi @Ben Larson I'm passing on all your feedback to the team thanks for sharing!
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Any news here? We need this too.
And also the opportunity to quickly set a custom value in the product cost for each deal (we are selling services, and often operates with different prices to our staff on each deal).
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Hi guys. For us it is the same challenge. The possibility to choose the discount between percentage and euro amount would be very helpful. Thanks a lot!
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Eli said:
Any news on this? It's extremely annoying not to be able to input a fixed discount. We end spending ages guessing the percentage of the amount...
Hi @Eli
I wish I had news but I don't unfortunately. I'm going to keep bugging our team but I can't make any promises what is their priority compared to all other ideas in the pipeline..
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I want to second to this. I rely on fluctuating international pricing that depends on exchange rates etc. The numbers get ugly. And being able to discount a simple specific amount is a must. Accounting software solutions often offer this simple thing. Should be an essential part. Otherwise, the point of the discount section in the pipeline is lost.
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This is really a simple and mandatory feature.
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Is there any news here? The function would be very helpful, also for later evaluations. We currently use for this simply a product which is called discount....
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Is there any news here? The function would be very helpful, also for later evaluations. We currently use for this simply a product which is called discount....
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It's disappointing that I still have to play around with 3-5 decimal place numbers whenever I want to issue a fixed price discount.
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Hello, this is also an issue we are experiencing. It seems like a quick fix by the Pipedrive Team, I hope they can fix it soon.
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Hi @Jens Bohse @Marko_44495 @Andreas Sebastian Haldorsen @Alex Napier Holland ,
In 2023 we are focusing in improving significantly the Products feature.
Feel free to suggest other improvements you would like in the Products Catalog regarding discounting or other features in the Catalogue for us to take in consideration during research phase. Definitely, we will look into discounting as well. Many thanks!
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Hey @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco!
That sounds great! Do you already know when the first improvements will come?
Our company also has a few other wishes. Can I forward you a few points by mail?
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@Jens Bohse why not post them here so we can cheer our support!?
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@Sven Amann_76110 @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Okay here are some suggestions for improvement from us:
- Ability to add new fields for Product in Deals (such as performance period per product).
- Possibility to add new fields for variants (description etc.)
- Possibility to report variants
- Possibility for total discount and not only on product level
- Dependencies on custom fields when adding a product
- Link subscriptions to products
- Link duration to subscriptions
- Import invoice information into Pipedrive via the API (also for split invoices)
- Product descriptions option for sitch points, bold, etc.
- Products changelog
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Another vote here for numeric (non-percentage) discounts. It truly is painful trying to figure out what percentage I need to use just to achieve a simple number. Please also remember to add this change to your API so that third parties can add it to their integration. I use Pandadoc for my customer facing invoices and they support both fixed amount and percentage discounts, so it would be great if the figure I put into Pipedrive would seamlessly transfer over to Pandadoc.
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Hi all,
As an update regarding discounts, we are currently working in having fixed amount for discounts and global discounts (applied to total price).
Expect more news in the middle of Q2, feel free to tag me if more info is needed 👍
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Product export-import WITH VARIANTS, pleeease
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Thank you for this. I wanted to comment on it because it's so rare for Pipedrive team members to ever acknowledge ongoing issues. Most of the time, PD give off an aura of infallibility, only deigning to post on the community forums when you have a new feature to shout about. Very rarely to answer customer feedback like you've done.
Just look at the response to the new deal details view. A bunch of people all expressing their dislike of the summary box in the left side panel, and other than one initial response, no further commentary from PD. Like PD can't bear to contemplate they've made a mistake. It's the being ignored that's so frustrating.
Anyway, good on you for not being like that. Thanks.
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@Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco is there an update?
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Hi, @Jens Bohse ! I am happy to say that next month we will be releasing a product update, which will enable you to add a fixed amount discount to products. As a side note, we'll be implementing the tax-exclusive method in the same release.
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@Kätlin Sandvik that sounds promising! is there a roadmap somewhere where you can see something like that?
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@Jens Bohse - unfortunately, we don't have a public roadmap, but we will publish updates in the Community when general availability is ready.