I just had the best onboarding experience and worst support experience of my life - is this common?
Hello, I am looking to the braintrust to get some insight into what Pipedrive's support is like. I had a wonderful onboarding experience a few weeks ago, and it's clear that the company has it's process down pat when it comes down to getting customers using the platform, but I am hugely hugely disappointed in my first support experience which I will document in detail below.
Today I had what I perceive to be a simple question and tried to use the 'Chat with us' option in 'Quick help' when logged in to try to get an answer. At this point, I was greeted by an AI assistant who was of no help. They just sprouted the same things I had already read in Pipedrive's documentation, so I asked to direct me to a human.
Here's where things get frustrating. It is currently 9:29pm at the time of writing (almost 4 hours passed since opening the chat) and I still have yet to receive a response. The most frustrating part however, is that their user experience does not reflect the true indication of wait time expected, but rather suggests that support will be available soon.
In this image (01.png) you can see that my initial enquiry was created at 5:46pm
In this image (02.png) you can see that I asked to be sent to a human at 5:47pm
In this final image (03.png) you can see that the time I sent my last message was 6:36pm (green box). The current time is 9:29pm (purple) and that for some reason Pipedrive's UI implies they reply in a few minutes (red box).
So my question is, what is everyone else's experience of support in Pipedrive like? Am I doing things wrong or is this a classic case of glossy brochure with no substance?
FYI, for those that are interested in what my actual issue is, the specific issue I have is that I am trying to gain access to the Subscription revenue reports. It is clear from Pipedrive's documentation that the feature is only available on 'Advanced or higher plans'. I am on a Professional plan so I believe this shouldn't be an issue
Hello Tash,
We are extremely sorry to hear about your experience with reaching out to our support team. Due to Hurricane Helene and Milton, our support team experienced a disruption in the workforce, leading to higher waiting times. We appreciate your understanding and patience while we work to address the issue and make the required changes.
As for your question, Subscription revenue reports is currently being replaced by Product Revenue reports and we have pinged our support team to look into your request further and they will be able to update you as soon as possible.