List view in Activities has no Check boxes

Dolphins Member Posts: 6 NEW MEMBER
First Comment
edited January 14 in Sales CRM #1

Today all of a sudden in Activities only in list view there are no check boxes infront of my columns. In contacts and deals the check boxes are there but not in Activities so I cannot bulk edit the due date on my Activities. Edited the due date on 30 individual Activities is a waste of my time. Why would the check boxes disappear for Activities only??



  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 213 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes

    Hello @Dolphins,

    I was trying to replicate this in my account, and as long as you have the right to make bulk edits or are a global admin user, you should be able to bulk edit the activities.

    With the help of an admin account, you will be able to check if you have global admin rights. The admin can confirm this from this section in Pipedrive:

    If you do have the right permissions, then could you try clearing the cache and cookies for Pipedrive or testing it from an incognito window without any extensions enabled? If the issue persists, please contact our support team

  • Dolphins
    Dolphins Member Posts: 6 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    If I didn't have rights wouldn't that mean I wouldn't be able to do bulk edit in other areas. I can do bulk edit in contacts and deals still no issues. Even on my phone in browser it's not available in Activities. So strange

  • Dolphins
    Dolphins Member Posts: 6 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    Just double checked. I have global rights and admin rights