Improvement : Impossible to attach a call directly to a new contact or an offer :-)

Vincent Cuypers
Vincent Cuypers Member Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
edited July 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1


My account managers make 70 calls a day... The calls are directly made from the caller PipeDrive.

When they reach a prospect, they often  get in contact true the receptionist. Ask for the manager's name and create the contact in Pipedrive after the conversation.

Actually it's impossible directly from the record to manage and link the call to an offer or a person.

You have to go after each call in your activities to select the right call and introduce a Name.

Feel free to contact me if you want to see that in a video 

If you have the same problem please, let us know

Have a good day

Vincent Cuypers

CEO WinPeo


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