Does anyone actually want a finished call through Pipedrive to be added to their calendar?

Jason Yormark
Jason Yormark Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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The ability to make calls through pipedrive is great, but it's negated a bit by the fact that for some reason after a call is completed and logged, that it adds an item to your connected calendar. I don't understand the logic of having a completed activity still sent to your calendar. Please consider an option to not have finished activities not sent to external calendars.



  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #2

    Hi Jason, the purpose of this isn't so much to have it on your calendar, it's more to log the activity on the deal so you have a history of the calls you've made, along with notes, attached to the deal. 

    In your calendar settings, you can choose which activity types to sync to your calendar. So you could disable the option to sync calls if you don't want them on your actual Google/Outlook calendar

  • Seth Stark
    Seth Stark Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #3

    What if I want scheduled calls to appear on the calendar as events (so I know what's coming up), but I don't want unscheduled calls to appear on the calendar?  This is a bit annoying.

  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #4

    What if I want scheduled calls to appear on the calendar as events (so I know what's coming up), but I don't want unscheduled calls to appear on the calendar?  This is a bit annoying.

    Hi Seth, what do you mean by 'unscheduled' calls? Whenever you create an activity, they have to have a due date of some kind, so in a sense, all activities are 'scheduled'?

  • Seth Stark
    Seth Stark Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2021 #5

    Hi Paul,

    By "unscheduled" call, I am referring to either 1.) receiving an inbound call or 2.) placing a spontaneous outbound call.

    Right now, when the call is completed, pipedrive creates a unique calendar event for each call and places it in the calendar.  Therefore, if I make several calls in a short period of time, each call appears in the calendar as a separate event, thereby cluttering up my calendar quickly.  I am basically wondering if there is a way to "hide" the spontaneous calls from the calendar view while still keeping the pre-scheduled calls visible.

  • Jason Yormark
    Jason Yormark Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #6

    This was my original point. I can’t use pipedrive’s scheduler because of this. I don’t want calls I place on my calendar. 

  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes Name Dropper
    edited September 2020 #7

    Thanks for clarifying, I see what you're saying.

    Something you could try is to log these activities as a new activity type e.g. 'Inbound Call', then on the Pipedrive calendar, on the top left of the screen, you'll see some options where you can show/hide the different activity types. You could then hide the 'Inbound Call' type and they won't appear on your calendar. They'll still be in the system and on the deal, just hidden on the calendar.

    Does that make sense?

  • Seth Stark
    Seth Stark Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited September 2020 #8

    Paul, yes that makes sense - and it works, thank you.  A few extra clicks for these items, but it works.

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