Sales methodologies are the principles that underpin your sales processes. Wh

David Lorbiecke_3
David Lorbiecke_3 Posts: 186 VERIFIED MEMBER
100 Comments Pipedrive Team
edited July 2022 in Business Talk #1

Selling can be a complicated business. Multiple sales processes are happening simultaneously, meaning that, as a Sales Manager, you must oversee a huge quantity of work. 

Guidelines are implemented to help a sales team work in cohesion. Underpinning these guidelines is a sales methodology. 

There are many methodologies you can use, all of which are based on substantiated psychological principles and field-tested tactics. For example, an inbound sales methodology can help you create campaigns that attract prospects to you. 

Common methodologies include:

Adam Hawes, CRO at GatherContent, hypothesizes that it is best to adopt elements from several methodologies to suit your sales goals. He said:

“Sales methodologies are like items in your wardrobe. You need to choose the right one for the right occasion and you should be comfortable combining different methodologies to meet your ‘buyer’s needs’. Everything needs to start with the buyer journey and what will lead to the least amount of friction. At the moment, my team uses a cocktail of inbound, consultative and customer-centric methodologies.”

Which sales methodologies help your sales team achieve the best results?


  • Dailius Wilson
    Dailius Wilson Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited April 2022 #2

    You can't go past MEDDIC or MEDDPIC right now - they are the standard in the bay area 

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