Soft skills: The critical sales weapon almost all managers neglect

Inês Batata
Inês Batata Posts: 2,004 VERIFIED MEMBER
2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
edited July 2023 in Sales CRM #1
Soft skills are one of the most important weapons in a salesperson’s arsenal.

The right soft skills can directly help you drive revenue and grow your business. Key soft skills include:

  • Communication (on the phone, over email and face-to-face)
  • Active listening and the ability to ask the right questions
  • Building a rapport and maintaining a relationship

Prospects are more likely to buy from a salesperson they like and trust. That’s why you want your leads to enjoy talking to your reps, and you want your reps to build relationships with leads. The sort of salesperson who can sell sawdust to a lumber mill has incredible soft skills: they manage a relationship well, follow up when they should, and are pleasant to talk to.

However, good soft skills aren’t just about meeting sales goals.

Employees with strong soft skills contribute to a positive work environment, make the workday more pleasant for their colleagues, and are excellent representatives of the team and company they work with. They also make their sales manager’s life easier, and that’s definitely something worth striving for!


❓  What soft skills have helped you drive revenue?


💡 Click here for our guide to upskilling your and your sales team’s soft skills.

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