Transfer Signature to Signed Document (Signature Field)

McCorvey IT
McCorvey IT Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary Photogenic

It would be extremely helpful to have the digital signatures captured during the signing process mapped to and transferred over to the final, signed document for presentation. I know we have the Signature and Audit pages, but forms traditionally have signature lines/fields within the document itself, and losing this requires form redesign and is also unsettling to end users. Other e-signature solutions allow for the digital signature to be presented where a traditional wet signature was captured.

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  • Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco
    Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Pipedrive Team Posts: 94 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    First Answer Third Anniversary 25 Likes Pipedrive Team
    edited November 2021 #2


    Totally agree with you. Currently, we are not supporting it  and we are looking into ways to include this in the future as it is a highly requested signature feature.