How to increase your email list value and drive conversions ✉️ 🎯

Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,375 COMMUNITY MANAGER
1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
edited July 2022 in Business Talk #1

What matters most in email marketing? Using effective email marketing software is important and having creative designers and copywriters on your content marketing team is a big plus. At the end of the day, though, it’s all about your email list. The people you send your emails to will determine whether or not your campaign is a success.


Marketers in ecommerce strive to grow their subscriber lists as large as they can, but does your email list size actually matter? It’s not the scale of your list building that matters, it’s the quality. You could blast your email campaigns out to millions of addresses across all the email service providers, but if only a small number of those recipients actually open and engage with your emails, how much an email list worth? Not much at all.


In this article, we show you how you can tell a good email list from a bad one, then we dive into the ways you can increase your email list value for future lead generation.

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